The United Nations Relief and Works Agency

Like many other UN relief agencies, UNRWA was founded in the midst of a refugee emergency that occurred in the wake of war. The UN organized UNRWA as a special relief agency that was...

Official Palestinian Authority Radio “Voice of Palestine” Dec. 13

Summary and Analysis VOP's morning news bulletins and news-round-ups focused on "criminal" Israeli military attacks, in particularly those leading to deaths of four members of Palestinian security forces in Gaza. (Note: death toll changed throughout...

WHO EVER SAID CRIME DOESN’T PAY? SIX PERCENT OF PA BUDGET GOES TO PAYING...'T_PAY__SIX_PERCENT_OF_PA_BUDGET_GOES_TO_PAYING_PALESTINIAN_TERRORISTS_HELD_IN_ISRAEI_JAILS,_FAMILIES_OF_SUICIDE_BOMBERS __ Next time the Palestinian Authority asks for more international aid, it's time for Western nations to ask the PA why it is that, Abbas al-Sayyeed, convicted of planning the 2002 Park Hotel massacre...

Palestinian Authority FM delivers Abbas message for Rohani Al-Maliki handed over the PA chief’s written message to Iran’s First Vice President Es'haq Jahangiri during a meeting in Tehran on Monday. Jahangiri said Palestine has been an important issue for Iran over the past...

National Security Council (NSC) issues statement on UNRWA. We offer to brief the NSC

The White House National Security Council spokesman issued the following statement about UNRWA "The United States has supported the work of UNRWA and has been among its leading donors, having provided over $359 million in...

Poll: Spike in Palestinian support for military operations against Israel Palestinian support for military operations against Israel has registered its most significant jump in 10 years, spurred by the recent Gaza conflict, ongoing Israeli settlement expansion, and frustration over a peace process that has...

Canada Withdraws Funds From UNRWA PUBLISHED: SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2010 Jerusalem - A senior Canadian government official has briefed officials in Israel and the Palestinian Authority with the news of Canada’s decision to defund the United Nations Refugee Works Agency...

Hizb ut-Tahrir: Islam Has Replaced Communism as Top U.S. Enemy A radical Islamist group which claims a presence in nearly 50 countries is so confident it can help establish a global Muslim government - or caliphate - that it distributed a draft constitution during...

Israeli Experts: UNRWA Textbooks Draw Palestinian Children Toward Terrorism President Trump recently cut funding to UNRWA, the UN body responsible for Palestinian refugees. While there has been uproar over that decision, critics of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) point to its...