Palestinian Schoolbooks Under Fire

BEITUNIYA, West Bank (AP) _ Ask Karam Jamil about Jerusalem, just a few miles away from his school, and the first-grader's hand flies up: "It's the capital of Palestine, and it's where we pray." Ask...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – May 16, 2021

Behind the scene with David Bedein - May 16, 2021

Iran: Too close for Comfort for Southern Israel

While the world follows Iran developments from the grandstands of YouTube, the people of southern Israel have had front row seats for some time now. When Iran's protege, Hamas, staged a coup in Gaza that...

READ COMMENTARY MAGAZINE ON NAKBA DAY: UN FORCES DO LITTLE OR NOTHING TO STOP...'S_BORDERS Photo of grafiti on wall in Deheishe Palestinian Refugee Camp with map of Palestine that wipes out Israel photo by Rhonda Spivak Nakba Day sign in Ramallah put up by PLO (see bottom of sign).Photo taken...

‘No education toward 2 states in Palestinian textbooks,’ report finds

Israel is routinely left off maps, Israeli cities are said to be in Palestine, martyrdom is celebrated, and there is not a single mention of the Holocaust in more than 70 official Palestinian Authority...

A “Demilitarized” Palestinian State

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Accord with UAE -Peace without Peace Education?

It is hard to join the euphoria for the new peace accord which Israel and the UAE now negotiate. We witness a “Déjà vu”: Israel repeats the tragic mistakes of the peace accords with Egypt,...

PA Switches Insurgency Funding

The Palestinian Authority plans to switch its source of funding to convicted killers of Israelis and Americans. The PA has drafted plans to transfer a ministry to the Palestine Liberation Organization. The plans called for...

What Palestinians Are Saying Online

During the past decade, Washington has repeatedly failed to gauge the extent of Palestinian anti-peace sentiments with devastating consequences. The July 2000 Camp David summit triggered the worst wave of Palestinian violence since 1948...