New Movie, shot on location in Gaza – “The UNRWA child soldier”

In August, 2021, The Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research dispatched a TV crew to Gaza to cover military summer camps for UNRWA students, age 10--17: "THE UNRWA CHILD SOLDIER" German Version Hebrew Version   English version

The Democrats’ Jimmy Carter Conundrum

"For 58 years and counting, Democrats stand with Israel." So trumpeted the Democratic National Committee, in an obvious bid for Jewish votes in the coming midterm elections, in an ad that recently appeared in...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (August 17-11, 2021)

Judea and Samaria: On the night of August 15, 2021, four Palestinians were killed during an exchange of fire with Israeli security forces in Jenin after a Palestinian wanted for terrorist activities was detained....

USAID Boasts of Funding Antisemitic Charity in Gaza Linked to Designated Terrorist Organization

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which is part of the State Department, has boasted of providing taxpayer funding to a Palestinian charity linked closely to the designated terrorist organization Hamas. A USAID August...

Friends of the CIA? – The Palestinian Militias

On a visit to Washington a year ago, Palestinian security chief Jibril Rajoub proudly showed off an armor-plated limousine that he said the Central Intelligence Agency "always provides me when I am here." Last...

The Official Palestinian Authority Media Reports: Al Qaida, The End of Ramadan, Suicide Bombs,...

Al Qaida in Gaza: Quietly, the PA Moves Against Suspected Cell Amid pressure from the United States and the European Union, the Palestinian Authority is quietly moving to stop Al Qaida recruitment in the Gaza...

Asfour: USAID Extorts Palestinian NGO’s

Hassan Asfour, Head of the Palestinian Authority for NGOs Affairs, regarded the latest United States Agency for Development (USAID) document as an extension of the United States policy concerning the Palestinian people, attempting to...

Cutting Edge Interview: War Indoctrination in the Palestinian Authority Martin Blackham talks with David Bedein, Writer, Investigative Journalist and Founder of The Israel Resource News Agency in particular regarding the issue of The United Nations Relief & Works Agency For Palestinian Refugees In...

Official Palestinian Authority statement on the eve of Sec, of State Colin Powell’s visit

For several days now, the news published in the world about the devastating effects of the Israeli siege imposed upon the Palestinian occupied territory have served to forge a new discourse: it has become...

I spoke to the UN Security Council’s hearts today

An organization known as the "Parents Circle" dispatched Robi Damelin to the US legation at the UN to testify at the UN Security Council about the death of 68 Arab children in Gaza and...