ADL-backed TAU Survey on World Wide Anti-Semitism: Once again Palestinian Anti-Semitism Underplayed

The Anti Defamation League (ADL), in coordination with the Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism, held a press conference in Tel Aviv University yesterday, outlining findings of new trends...

Palestinians Seek ‘International Protection’ and ‘Observers’ After Deaths of ‘Child Martyrs’ Killed ‘Playing Football’

A senior Palestinian official hinted broadly today that the Palestinian Authority (PA) would demand "international protection" and international observers to stop what he called Israel's "acts of aggression" against the Palestinians. At the same time...

Abbas Attacks Israeli ‘War Crimes’ and ‘Intentional Murder’ of 2 Youths as Deliberate Attempt...

JERUSALEM--May 5, 2005 The official Palestinian Authority (PA) media opened their reports Thursday with a slashing attack on Israel for "deliberately killing" two Palestinian youths yesterday as part of an intentional Israeli plan to bust...

Disengagement Won’t Stop Firing of Kassam Rockets

As a result of the evacuation of the Israeli settlements and IDF forces from the Gaza Strip, 44 more Israeli residential areas will be within the range of Palestinian Kassam rockets. Army sources predict...

Israel and Palestinians Both Allowed Escape of Jihad Terrorist Who Attacked Tel Aviv; IDF...

Staff Sergeant Dan Telesnikov, 21, was an Israeli paratrooper who might be alive today if Israel and the Palestinian Authority were really serious about stopping suicide bombers, instead of scoring diplomatic points. Telesnikov came back...

Statement from the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel Concerning the Allegation on...

Following the Revelations on the Israel Resource Review on April 30th, 2005 and May 1st, 2005 that the official Palestinian Authority media has been alleging that Israeli soldiers have been murdering women at checkpoints...

The Mixed Messages of the Palestinian Authority Media

The official Palestinian Authority (PA) media sent a series of mixed messages to the Palestinian audience today regarding continuing violence against Israeli targets. PA officials and the PA endorsed the "tahdiyya" - "cooling off period"...

Retreat from Gaza?

Since December 2003, Ariel Sharon has astonished friend and foe alike, embracing the very idea he opposed in the elections that confirmed him in power in January 2003. The idea is "unilateral disengagement," whereby Israel,...

Russia Offers PA Range of Military Options

Russia has offered a range of military equipment and training to the Palestinian Authority. Russian officials said President Vladimir Putin has proposed to donate Russian military helicopters, armored personnel carriers and instruction to Palestinian security...

For Second Day in a Row, Official Palestinian Media Accuses Israel of Murdering Arab...

Israel is using electronic search machines that kill Palestinians with radiation poisoning, the official Palestinian media declared again on Saturday, April 30th, for the second straight day. Palestinian state television from Gaza reported Saturday that...