“Calm” on Verge of Explosion

The quiet along the border with Egypt was violated yesterday once again. An IDF NCO who serves with the Engineering Corps was severely injured and an Israeli civilian was moderately injured yesterday afternoon from...

Peres’s Peace Technology Fund Folds

www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=905642 The Yediot Ahronot Hebrew daily reports that the Peace Technology investment fund, founded to invest in projects in the Palestinian Authority (PA) has discontinued its activity. The Shalom fund was founded six years ago,...

Knesset Committee Seeks Further Information About Peres’s Palestinian Authority Investments

JERUSALEM - The ethics committee of Israel's Parliament, or Knesset, requested last month that a private investigative group provide more information about accusations of Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres's involvement in a technology fund...

Israel’s Suicidal Policy

The movement within Israel to hold a referendum on Prime Minister Sharon's "Disengagement" plan has fizzled now that the Knesset has voted solidly against it. Efforts to bring the government down by blocking the...

Consequences Ignored by Israeli Government?

The movement within Israel to hold a referendum on Prime Minister Sharon's "Disengagement" plan has fizzled now that the Knesset has voted solidly against it. Efforts to bring the government down by blocking the...

When Its Prime Minister Circumvents The Decisions of the Elected Government of Israel

There is a consensus of opinion among those who support Israel that they should support "the democratically elected government of Israel". Today, supporters of Israel must cope with an unprecedented dilemma, after the Prime Minister...

A tribute from a Jewish Reporter in Jerusalem

The visit of Pope John Paul II in Israel will not be forgotten. Yet not everything went smoothly. Shortly after Pope John Paul II announced that he was coming to Israel with the genesis of the...

“Generic” Complaint that Can be Filed Against the U.S. State Department for Coercing Jews...

(This "generic letter" can be used as the basis for anyone who would like to make claim against the U.S. State Department in the matter of American support for the policies of Ariel Sharon...

Lack of a U.S. Response to the Planned Executions of “Collaborators” at the Order...

This much seems clear: Palestinian Authority executions of "collaborators" are scheduled to take place shortly. The full particulars are difficult to verify. On February 17, 2005, news broke in Israel that Palestinian Authority Chair Mahmoud...

Abbas Expected to Push for Direct US Aid Following Congressional Setback

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, on his upcoming visit to Washington, is likely to raise with congressional leaders the recent US foreign aid package that forbade direct assistance to the Palestinian Authority. The legislation, which...