The Biden Administration Redefines Antisemitism

Opposing antisemitism is easy, because everyone is on your side. Already 100 years ago, Henry Ford’s Dearborn Independent, in its notorious series “The International Jew,” complained that the term “antisemitism” is “used indiscriminately and...

Why Everything Reported from Gaza is Crazy Twisted You’re seeing civilians dying and suffering in Gaza. You’re seeing the destruction Israel’s military operation against Hamas has caused. You’re hearing from Israel that Hamas is firing rockets from crowded neighborhoods, using helpless Gaza civilians...

General Assembly of Jewish Federations Gathers in Philadelphia Under a Cloud of War

It is difficult for any large organization to switch gears. The United Jewish Communities The UJC of North America, which comprises all major Jewish organizations in North America, gathers this week for its annual "General...

Why Publicize What Arabs Say in Arabic?

At the annual American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) Conference, held recently in Philadelphia, a newsworthy session was held with Chemi Shalev, the newly appointed US correspondent for the English language edition of the Israeli...

How Can the White House Describe Arafat’s Speech as “Positive”?

The White House today said that Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's speech today in Ramallah was "positive". In the speech Arafat set the rules for the continuing war against Israel -"We have announced in the...

Ten anti-semitic and/or anti-Israel trends that the Intelligence and Information Center Discerned in the...

Questions put by Israel Resource News Agency to the office of the Prime Minister of Israel as to whether Israel would demand the removal of these books from the head of the Palestinian Authority...

These Talks Are Doomed

Mona Charen is a syndicated columnist and political analyst living in the Washington, D.C., area. Mona Charen received her undergraduate degree at Barnard College, Columbia University, with honors.... read more Mona Charen also holds a...

“Bush gave Abbas the impression he didn’t have to fight terror now”

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon yesterday voiced disappointment with the result of last Thursday's meeting between President George Bush and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Washington. "The Palestinians came out feeling no pressure to fight...

The Two State Delusion V: Critical Realities:Fatah and Hamas

Quite apart from the intrinsically contradictory fundamental approach that would beset any Arab-Israel negotiations for a “Two-State Solution”, there is another basic problem. The Arabs are divided in two hostile camps. Fatah (P.L.O.) controls...

Al-Azhar: Jewish Settlers are Not Civilians

Al-Azhar tweeted in support of what Hamas did from day one, and now it adds extra proof of its inhuman attitude.  Here you will find a lot of victimhood talk, but nothing at all about the crimes...