Special Report: the Palestinian Education System Praises the Terror Attack in Neve Yaakov

On January 27th, Friday night, there was a terror attack in Jerusalem (Neve Yaacov) in which seven people were murdered and three injured. The terrorist, Alkam Hayri, was a 21-year-old Palestinian from East Jerusalem....

The coming crash of American diplomacy in the Middle East

http://www.latimes.com/opinion/commentary/la-oe-bolton-obama-mideast-failure-20140218,0,1568248.story#ixzz2thmWN4FP President Obama has three significant Middle East diplomatic initiatives underway, treating, respectively, Iran's nuclear weapons program; Syria's deadly, exhausting conflict; and the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Into these negotiations, Obama and his administration have poured...

How CNN Could Establish Integrity: Run Ten Segments on a Day in the Life...

On Tuesday morning, June 19th, we began the day with the horrific news of yet another bus bombing in Jerusalem. A colleague who covers Arabic language media output of the Palestinian Authority, reported how the...

Abbas Dismantles Palestinian Democracy

Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza have long been denied basic freedoms and self-determination, but not in the way you might think. Their own president, Mahmoud Abbas, has systematically dismantled democratic institutions...

Exposing the Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Charade

http://frontpagemag.com/2012/06/11/exposing-the-palestinian-refugee-charade/print On May 24th, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee approved a resolution virtually certain to create a controversy in Washington, D.C. The Kirk Amendment, named after its drafter, Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL), authorizes the State...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 3rd

Summary and Analysis It was a sign of a relatively quiet day that VOP featured Dr. Nabil Sha'ath, talking about his trip to Sweden and Norway (and Belgium), as its featured Saturday morning interview guest. Nevertheless,...

Israeli Group Monitoring Palestinian media

The recent Palestinian presidential election campaign, widely applauded for complying with democratic norms, was actually riddled with voter fraud, intimidation and unbalanced pre-election media coverage, says an Israeli observer of Palestinian political life. Michael Widlanski,...

The Western Wall: Is it the Kotel or Al-Buraq Wall?

"The Shechina will never move from the Western Wall" according to an ancient tradition (Exodus Rabba 2.2). Originally, this saying did not refer to the present Western Wall which is part of retaining...

A Profile: When A Social Worker Who helps Terror Victims Becomes a Terror Victim

Scenes of terrorism in newspapers and television have the same effect on me: they inspire shock and anger. There are the pictures of the ambulance crews, the Chevra Kadisha (Jewish burial Society) workers literally...