Lessening UNRWA’s damage

http://www.jpost.com/LandedPages/PrintArticle.aspx?id=276842 Critics of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the organization tasked with oversight of Palestine refugees, have tended to focus on its sins. Its camps are havens for terrorists. Its bureaucracy is bloated...

Hizballah And Palestinian Authority Escalating Anti-American Propaganda

Hizballah is now placing an unambiguous "bulls-eye" on the United States, calling America and its leaders state terrorists, and symbolically placing America in the same "enemy" class as "the Zionists" - Israel. "Here is the...

A Call for Palestinian Arab Participation in Jerusalem’s Political Process

Whenever we look into the matter of the voting of Arabs in Jerusalem municipal elections, I am always surprised anew and ask myself why most Arab residents of Jerusalem have refrained from exercising their...

Wiesenthal Center Calls on Japanese Government to Provide Aid to the Palestinian Authority Based...

May 17th, 2005 Wiesenthal Center urges Prime Minister Koizumi to link future Palestinian aid to "measurable milestones in dismantling terror and ending incitement Following Prime Minister's Junichiro Koizumi's meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas which...

John Solsvik, Jerusalem correspondent for the Norwegian newspaper, Dagen,First reporter to reveal contents...

Norwegian language version of John Solskik's article: https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&shva=1#search/johns%40dagen.no/130d178373189258 Here is the English Translation: UNRWA curriculum in Human Rights Comes Under Fire Subtitle: “Dagen” - first foreign news outlet to receive the new books on human rights used in...

P.A. Official Khatib Says Any Pal. Who Murders a Jew, Yesterday, Today, or Tomorrow,...

http://zoa.org/2014/01/10227937-p-a-official-khatib-says-any-pal-who-murders-a-jew-yesterday-today-or-tomorrow-must-be-released/ he Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to a recent declaration by a senior Palestinian Authority (PA) official, Ashraf Khatib, that Israel must free all jailed Palestinian terrorists, even if they have murdered...

Peace Now on PA Material and Hebron

IMRA interviewed Mossy Raz, political secretary of Peace Now, in Hebrew, on December 19. IMRA: This week the Prime Minister's Office released a collection of anti-Semitic material which has come out of the Palestinian Authority...

This Week In the Palestinian Authority: Issue Three

Editor's note:Welcome to the third edition of "Inside the PA," a weekly on-line publication designed to provide an open-source and yet valuable insight into the workings of the Palestinian Authority. We will review important...

Yediot Aharonot’s Ron Ben-Yishai: Don’t Know What Arafat Wants

Senior "Yediot Aharonot" reporter, Ron Ben-Yishai's article, EXPOSURE: Military Intelligence Estimate - The Chance of War in the Coming Year Greater Than In The Past was the feature article in the Friday, 10th July...

Congressman West statement on Unity Government between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas

April 29, 2011 (Washington) - Congressman Allen West (R-FL-22) released this statement today: "Yesterday's announcement by the Palestinian Authority of the formation of a unity government comprised of Fatah and Hamas is deeply troubling. This united...