Is the U.N. making the Palestinian ‘refugee’ problem worse? Until recently, few Americans ever heard of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). But then Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) got interested in what the agency, supposedly neutral in the...

Profile of Abu Mazen, a Candidate for PA Prime Minister who Revises the Story...

While European Union officials praised Yasser Arafat's decision to appoint his first-ever prime minister, historians of the Holocaust winced at the news that a leading candidate for the job is the author of a...

Lessening UNRWA’s damage Critics of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the organization tasked with oversight of Palestine refugees, have tended to focus on its sins. Its camps are havens for terrorists. Its bureaucracy is bloated...

An Examination of Public Statements to Dismantle Hamas or Only to Restrain its “Military...

This report carefully documents the public State Dept. position vs. the public White House position regarding the "rehabilitation" of Hamas, which could hardly be more different. With the same consistency that Boucher and Ereli...

What Palestinians Are Saying Online

During the past decade, Washington has repeatedly failed to gauge the extent of Palestinian anti-peace sentiments with devastating consequences. The July 2000 Camp David summit triggered the worst wave of Palestinian violence since 1948...

The PR debacle of the Israeli Jewish residents of Judea, Samaria, Katif and Golan

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella arm of the organized Jewish community in the US, has scheduled a debate on the subject of Israel's settlement policies for their annual conference which is...

Long History of Deceptions from Avneri

"... The corruption within the Palestinian Authority... is not widespread." "... Should something happen to Arafat, it would be a disaster of national proportions." "... Palestinians are not afraid to loudly voice their sharp criticism." Uri Avneri,...

PA Turns Suspect Over To Hamas For Execution

Jerusalem ( - A Palestinian student accused of collaborating for Israel was found dead in a garbage dump in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday. He had been in the custody of the Palestinian Authority...

Bethlehem Churches Bear Brunt Of Religious Hatred: Final piece in Five Part Series

In certain parts of the Holy Land, you can't go too far without seeing a church. For centuries, millions of Christian pilgrims visited the Holy Land to pray in the holy houses of worship. Palestinian...


Israel's military has been developing plans for a major offensive in the Gaza Strip. The General Staff has renewed plans for a permanent presence in the southern Gaza Strip in an effort to halt arms...