Death Sentence on Israelis

Not only has a Palestinian land law come into being, but a Palestinian law on weapons is also now in effect, according to which it is permissible for the Palestinian Authority to manufacture weapons...

Unrwa Donors Conference : an opportunity to ask for accountability for $160 billion...

MEDIA ADVISORY – HIGH-LEVEL EVENT IN SUPPORT OF PALESTINE REFUGEES AND UNRWA 14 September 2023 What:   Press briefing following the High-Level Ministerial Event convened by Jordan and Sweden in support of Palestine Refugees and UNRWA Who:     UNRWA...

UNRWA’s Education Fuels Hatred: A Lethal Threat To Israel’s Existence

On September 27, 2023, less than two weeks before all hell broke loose in Israel, three officials from the Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs met with four researchers who have spent their careers studying...

Did Condoleezza Rice Commit A Felony By Offering Weapons To A Terror Organization?

"Oh warrior brothers, this is a nation that will never be broken, it is a revolution that will never be defeated. This is a nation that gives an example every day that is imitated...

Basic Agreement Between the Holy See and the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israeli Reaction

Preamble The Holy See, the Sovereign Authority of the Catholic Church, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (hereinafter: PLO), the Representative of the Palestinian People working for the benefit and on behalf of the Palestinian Authority: Deeply...

The Future of an Illusion: A piece of paper will not bring peace to...

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned, it seems, to direct the Middle East policy of the Obama administration. Since the Oslo Accords of 1993, 17 years of efforts under three American presidents and...

Long History of Deceptions from Avneri

"... The corruption within the Palestinian Authority... is not widespread." "... Should something happen to Arafat, it would be a disaster of national proportions." "... Palestinians are not afraid to loudly voice their sharp criticism." Uri Avneri,...

Half of Gazan children suffering mental health problems, says UNRWA

Half the children living in Gaza are suffering from mental health issues, while a third of the Strip’s two million inhabitants are in need of psychological support but only have one hospital that provides...

Knesset Investigation of Alleged Corruption on the Highest Level of the Disenagement Process Commences

The Israel Parliamentary Knesset Oversight Committee, which oversees all aspects of Israel Government Accountability, chaired by Member of Knesset Dr. Yuri Shtern, of the Israel National Union Party, has summoned the Israeli official appointed...

היחס ליהודים, לישראל ולשלום בספרי הלימוד של הרשות הפלסטינית לכיתות י”א, י”ב שהודפסו בשנים...

תמצית מנהלים מחקר זה משלים ארבע שנים של פעילות מחקרית שבמהלכה נבדקו 364 ספרי לימוד לכיתות א'- י"ב שהוצאו לאור ע"י הרשות הפלסטינית )רש"פ( בשנים 2013 - 2018 .מטרת פרוייקט המחקר הזה היתה לבדוק את היחס ל"אחר"...