Speech of Arafat in front of the Palestinian National Council: May 15, 2002

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. We will, without doubt, help our messengers and those who believe, both in this world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand...

Why Has the Domino Effect Been Halted?

Even American arms and training, European funds and global political support will not turn the Fatah regime in Judea and Samaria into something upon which Israel can depend. Only the establishment of eight homogeneous tribal states, based...

Mecca Agreement: No Recognition of Israel

Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence' Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC. www.Intelligence.Org.Il ) February 13, 2007 Hamas spokesmen stress that the Mecca Agreement does not recognize Israel. Although the Agreement does not meet...

Fatah said to be Main Impetus for Suicide Bombings

The ruling Fatah movement led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is said to be the leading force behind efforts to resume suicide bombings against Israel. Israeli security sources said the Fatah movement has been...

P.A. Agrees to Transfer Burned Boy to Hadassah

The Palestinian Authority has finally agreed to transfer to Hadassah-University Hospital's pediatric intensive care unit a four-and-a-half-year-old Bethlehem boy in critical condition, with burns suffered in an accident over a week ago. Before the boy's...

If not UNRWA then what? | Knesset discusses alternatives for Gaza aid

The Knesset on Sunday discussed the humanitarian aid that UNRWA provides to the Gaza Strip and viable options to replace the organization. "We need to tell the truth because the international community is absolutely lying that...

Islam as State Religion, No Juridical Rights for Other Religions, Guarantee for the Right...

This week, a senior foreign diplomat provided Israel Resource News Agency with the finalized Arabic version of the Palestinian State Constitution which has been framed by the official constitutional committee of the Palestinian National...

Tobias Petterson:Sweden’s responsibility: Stop extremism at UNRWA Schools

According to a new study from the Center for Near East Policy Research (CFNEPR), 240 textbooks used in the Palestinian refugee camps contain the message of violent extremism. The textbooks have been used in...

Popular Committees Activists in Judea and Samaria Plan a New Wave of Popular Resistance...

Overview 1. Statements made recently by prominent figures in the popular committees against the fence and settlements reflect the organization's intention for a new wave of defiant anti-Israeli activities. They are as part of the...