Palestine Loves Saddam. The Palestinian Press Identifies with Iraq in Cartoons

I. Introduction When four U.S. soldiers were killed by an Iraqi suicide bomber, the Palestinian Authority decided it was time to act. The PA renamed the center of the Palestinian refugee camp in the West...

A Road Map to Natural Disaster

If the Quartet's road map is accepted, Yasser Arafat will win the greatest victory of his life. Despite the blatant violation of all his commitments in the Oslo agreements and his responsibility for the...

Interview with The Director of IDF Intelligence: “… Iraq Has Non-Conventional Weapons”

Where is Saddam Hussein? Is he alive or dead? What became of his sons? Where is he hiding the missiles and launchers? What are the "sensitive things" that Saddam's associates in Baghdad handed over...

Doodling for Saddam

Section I: Introduction The Palestinian Authority, taking a lesson from authoritarian regimes, uses its media to mobilize support for the ruling class and its war against Israel. Since 1994, PA Chairman Yasser Arafat has increasingly...

A Review of “Doodling for Saddam: The Use of Cartoons in Palestinian Newspaper to...

The Palestinian Authority is inciting its citizens against America, and the publication of anti-American sentiments in the government-controlled press proves it, an informed critic said here. David Bedein, bureau chief of the Israel Resource News...

Profile of Abu Mazen, a Candidate for PA Prime Minister who Revises the Story...

While European Union officials praised Yasser Arafat's decision to appoint his first-ever prime minister, historians of the Holocaust winced at the news that a leading candidate for the job is the author of a...

Israel’s Need for an Information Strategy

The relationship between governments at war and the media has always been complex. The government's instinct to disclose details of military-related activities only selectively and its desire to garner public support for these activities...

The PR debacle of the Israeli Jewish residents of Judea, Samaria, Katif and Golan

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella arm of the organized Jewish community in the US, has scheduled a debate on the subject of Israel's settlement policies for their annual conference which is...

“In the Next Few Weeks, an Earthquake Will Take Place”

Question: Are the Americans deployed in the Gulf with sufficient forces to enable them to land a crushing blow on Iraq already? "So it seems. They are capable. When the command is given." Question: So you...

A Connecticut Yankee in the UN Court: An Incisive Interview with Former UN Ambassador...

Dore Gold's motivation for making aliyah in 1975 was clear and simple: Zionism. He has memories of his late mother Sedell, active in causes on behalf of Israel; what he learned at a tender...