Congressmen urge end to PA incitement against Israel

Before Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' recent visit to Washington, 34 House members sent a letter to President Bush urging him to ask Abbas to take action against anti-Israel incitement by the PA....

‘Operation Breaking Dawn’ was a mixed bag

As we look back over the past few weeks, it is exceedingly important to avoid drawing hasty conclusions about the outcome of Israel’s brief conflict with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Gaza. When we...

DORE GOLD: THE PALESTINIANS RESURRECT THE PARTITION PLAN title=DORE_GOLD:_THE_PALESTINIANS_RESURRECT_THE_PARTITION_PLAN Whoever thinks that U.N. General Assembly Resolution 181 - the famous Partition Plan - from Nov. 29, 1947, is for historians of the Middle East alone, is not aware of the role that the...

Retreat from Gaza?

Since December 2003, Ariel Sharon has astonished friend and foe alike, embracing the very idea he opposed in the elections that confirmed him in power in January 2003. The idea is "unilateral disengagement," whereby Israel,...

Soccer Terror: Honoring a Killer on the Soccer Field

Last Wednesday, August 15th, Al Hayat Al Jadida, the official newspaper of the Palestinian Authority, carried what the western reader would regard as an unusual news item: A soccer tournament had been held in...

Palestinian reactions to the escape of six terrorists from Israel’s maximum security Gilboa prison

Before dawn on September 6, 2021, six Palestinian terrorists from Samaria broke out of the Gilboa prison in northern Israel through a tunnel they had been digging for approximately half a year. As soon...

Blaming Bibi, Ignoring Abbas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come in for what the New York Times calls an “unusually forceful and public condemnation” by President Barack Obama for his pre-election statement on March 16 “that there...

Former lone soldier David Morel seriously injured in Shuafat terror attack

Civilian security guard David Morel, who was seriously injured in the Shuafat terror attack on Saturday evening, remains in a serious and unstable condition, Hadassah University Medical Center said in an update on Tuesday morning. 30-year-old...

Murders on a Bus: Requiem to the Memory of Proportionality

More than 27,000 Arab terror attacks have taken place against Israeli citizens over the past five years, in the so-called second "intifada", the Arabic term for "casting off" of Israel. with a toll of...

Clear one paragraph policy analysis: Reduction of funds to PA means​ that Arab states...

​At a time when Israel, the US & Australia reduce funds from the PA because of their "pay to slay" policy, funds cut from the PA are replaced by Saudi Arabia, Qatar & other...