Education for war

Quite a lot has changed since 1986, when David Bedein took a year off from his social work practice to campaign against the Palestinian propaganda machine’s influence in the media. Today, his mission has been taken...

Who murdered Asher and Yonatan? On April 2, the Israeli military court at Ofer Base convicted Wa’al al-Arja of murdering my son Asher and grandson Yonatan. The murders were committed on Friday, September 23, 2011. On that day, Arja,...

Is the Palestinian Authority Losing Control in the West Bank? In recent weeks, the Palestinian Authority security forces have been launching a massive crackdown on anarchy and lawlessness in various parts of the West Bank. The crackdown was ordered by Abbas after he discovered what...

Interview with David Bedein About News Coverage of the PLO and the Palestinian Authority

David Bedein, donned in a knit kippah and trademark broad smile - clearly enjoys sharing that he defies stereotypes. "It's not many people who say to their wife on the phone when she asks, 'Where...

EU Will Not Take Action Against Palestinian Authority or UNRWA schools

Recent press reports have conveyed the false impression that the EU, the European Union of 27 nations, asked for budgetary sanctions against the PA if the PA will not change their curricula. By implication, this affects UNRWA,...

MFAT officials justify NZ-funded hate to minister

Documents obtained under the Official Information Act by the Israel Institute of New Zealand show that, for the first time ever, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) briefed the minister about hate and...

What Will Occur After Three Months of the Hudna?

October 3, 2003 goes into the history books as "black Friday." At 2:00 p.m., a group of soldiers that had just finished its shift at the General staff headquarters stood on the road passing...

IAN BIRRELL: Why a UK woman’s murder in Israel should boil your blood and...

Aid for despots and dictators. Aid for rich nations with their own aid agencies and others able to afford space programmes. Aid for North Korean officials and Somali jihadis. Aid that ends up in...

Seven Years of Arming the PLO

The State of Israel has armed its enemies. After six years it is still difficult to digest this. It is hard to believe that by its own hand,Israel built up a hostile military force and...

Abbas Orders Release of Islamic Insurgents Wanted for Murder

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has ordered the release of Islamic insurgents accused of helping plan a February 2005 suicide bombing in Israel. PA officials said Abbas ordered the release of the insurgents held in...