Criticizing books used in UNRWA schools only helps Palestinian children stay alive…and their Israeli...

Right of Reply to  “Attacking UNRWA’ s Education System Risks the Lives of Students, JPOST Oct. 24th by Gwyn Lewis, UNRWA Director of Operations in the West Bank Criticizing books used in UNRWA schools only helps...

Obama Turns on Israel Barack Obama's March 2013 trip to Israel had a too-good-to-be-true feel about it. While barely pressuring on Israel, he instructed Palestinians not to set preconditions for negotiations and admonished them to "recognize that Israel...

The Palestinian Authority: Facing Genuine Financial Crisis or Not?

Children are begging on the streets. The medical system is on the verge of collapse. The Palestinian Authority appears to be facing a humanitarian crisis of major dimensions - presumably because donors have decided...

Palestinian Authority Teachers’ Guides: Examples of Conflict-Related Indoctrination By Arnon Groiss (January...

Indoctrination in a Nutshell for Grade-2 Students: "Preparation: The Teacher will tell a short story about our homeland, Palestine: 'My grandfather used to live in a beautiful village in Haifa. He was working...

Israel Uncensored: Finding Loopholes to Fund the PA

While Israel's government cabinet yesterday decided to deduct tax revenues for the PA as long as they continue to fund their "pay to slay" program, in which terrorists are rewarded for murdering and injuring...

ישראל, היהודים והשלום בספרי הלימוד החדשים של הרש”פ מחקר סופי –בשימוש בבתיה”ס...

הקדמה נייר זה הוא העידכון הסופי של שני מחקרים קודמים שפורסמו באנגלית. הראשון שבהם, תחת הכותרת בספטמבר יצא", UNRWA's Problematic Educational Role in the Middle East Conflict" 2017 .הוא סקר את תפקידה של אונר"א בהנצחת...

EU and Russia Stand with Arafat

A week after President George Bush's speech, a sharp dispute came to light on Tuesday between the US and EU, Russian and UN representatives over the issue of boycotting Yasser Arafat. In a meeting between...

Abbas Steers Clear Of Condemning Attack

Following Monday's Palestinian bombing in a Tel Aviv restaurant which resulted in the deaths of nine people, the media was rampant with the news of a "clear condemnation of the bombing from Palestinian Authority...

PSR post ceasfire poll of Palestinians: Haniyeh 61% Abbas 32%., Hamas 46% Fatah 31%...   "As expected, and as we saw in previous instances during and immediately after Israeli wars with Hamas, findings show a spike in the popularity of Hamas and its leaders and a major decline in...

Why Does Hamas Want War? Politicians start wars optimistic about their prospects of gaining from combat, Geoffrey Blainey notes in his masterly study, The Causes of War ; otherwise, they would avoid fighting. Why, then, did Hamas just provoke a...