Time to be resolute

Viktor Frankl, the renowned Austrian psychiatrist who was a Shoah survivor, wrote: “to suffer unnecessarily is masochistic rather than heroic.” Surveying the putrid and poisonous swamp called the United Nations and its associated groups, plus...

Geneva Sellout

On Monday, an agreement will be signed by Israelis and Palestinians. This "Geneva accord" has gotten much attention. And the signing itself will be greeted with much hoopla. Journalists are being flown in from around...

In the Spirit of the Washington Summit- Remove Palestinian Weapons of Mass Instruction from Their Schools

When you  read the updated version of the "Peace to Prosperity" plan which U.S.President Trump presented last week, you find unprecedented criteria for the formation of a Palestinian State:  "The Palestinians shall have ended all...

Israeli Electronic Media Will Not Report That the PBC Justified the Murder of a...

IMRA distributed Dr. Michael Widlanski's translations of the official Palestinian Authority's PBC Voice of Palestine Radio coverage of the murder of seven-year-old Noam Leibovitch, when the PBC described it on its Wednesday morning 7:30...

The Real War has Begun

What we saw up until now was just the preface, with a strong opening chord in Ramallah. This war even has a new name, albeit not officially. "This war should be called the 'war...

Grooming junior jihadists

The international community and mainstream media are shamefully ignoring a major destructive scandal in progress right now – the indoctrination of children into terrorism. In the northern hemisphere it is the middle of summer and...

Israel, Jews and the Conflict in Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks

Following are representative items taken from textbooks published by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in 2017-2018 for use in grades 1-12 in all schools throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Several pieces were...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 16th

Summary and Analysis The Palestinian Authority reacted in a very cautious but optimistic way to last night's meetings and continued contacts with Israel: The head of the PA negotiating team, Ahmad Qreia (Abu Ala), told...

Analysis: The Israel “Declaration Of Principles” offered to The PLO

On Monday, September 10th, 2007, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met in his office with Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party along with the...

San Remo Conference: Catalyst for Jewish and Arab independence

The San Remo Conference held on 24 / 25 April 1920 marked the beginning of self-determination for both the Jewish People after 3000 years of dispersion and the Arabs after 400 years of Ottoman...