Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine, Dec. 28th

Summary and Analysis The confusion and lack of clear direction at the top of the pyramid of power in the Palestinian Authority emerges clearly in the last two or three days of broadcasts of the...

Expose – UNRWA schools incite an entire population to war. UNRWA-MONITOR.COM   September 15, 2021   This is a time when UNRWA schools incite an entire population to war. Our task is to expose that to the UNRWA donor nations.   Our work is supported only through private initiative.    Perhaps you would...

Saudi Arabia cements commitment to Palestinian refugees with UNRWA contribution 25 times the amount...

The Kingdom has gone over and above its $2 million pledge, giving $50 million this year alone International community prioritizing other crises over Palestinian plight, says UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini AMMAN: For decades, Saudi...

U.S. Congress Backs Israel, Will Israel Join In?:Interview with David Bedein

Several members of the United States Congress have sponsored legislation aimed at putting an end to Arab incitement against Israel. Now an Israeli reporter is calling on the government to state its own position,...

Israel mustn’t give up its security valley,7340,L-4482912,00.html The security border for the defense of the State of Israel will be set in the Jordan Valley , in the broadest meaning of that term." This statement was made by late Prime Minister Yitzhak...


HERE ARE A FEW PIECES FILED ON THAT SUBJECT FOR THE PHILADELPHIA BULLETIN, A NEWSPAPER THAT CEASED PUBLICATION IN 2010 Bethlehem Churches Bear Brunt Of Religious Hatred By: David Bedein Jan 9 2008 Tense Relations Between Christians And...

Hamas in Jerusalem

Israel has set the elimination of Hamas as a military threat and a political entity in the Gaza Strip as its primary objective in the current war. But vanquishing Hamas in Gaza is not...

Al-Barghuthi Says ‘Thousands’ Trained for Possible Clash

... Al-Barghuthi believes that procedures to establish a Palestinian state have actually begun with the establishment of the first Palestinian Authority in our history. Since the establishment of that authority, he aid, the building...


An Israeli journalist, a friend of mine, was recently invited on an American radio program to debate the Middle East situation with a colleague, an Arab-American. Like many such debates, this one was a...

“The aim is to eliminate us”: Incisive Interview with Israel Security Cabinet Member Bennie...

To Begin the failure of peace is simple and obvious: The PLO leadership is bent on a two-stage plan to eliminate Israel, not a two-state plan for two peoples. Bennie Begin happens to be outside the Prime...