Criticizing books used in UNRWA schools only helps Palestinian children stay alive…and their Israeli...

Right of Reply to  “Attacking UNRWA’ s Education System Risks the Lives of Students, JPOST Oct. 24th by Gwyn Lewis, UNRWA Director of Operations in the West Bank Criticizing books used in UNRWA schools only helps...

Senior Fatah Offiicial: Seek Alliance with Iran Jerusalem - Ma'an - The time has come for Fatah, Palestine's largest political party, to seek a strategic alliance with Iran, the movement's Jerusalem affairs liaison Hatim Abdul Qader told Ma'an on Saturday. In a statement, Abdul...

Interview with Israel Government Press Office Director Daniel Seaman

...Danny Seaman knows exactly why the State of Israel looks so bad on television screens around the world. "At the direct instruction of the Palestinian Authority," explains the director of the Government Press Office (GPO),...

Flourishing Deals Overseas

Who, today, controls the economic empire which the PLO created overseas? "Arafat and his friends are not transferring the PLO's overseas assets to the ownership of the Authority," says Palestinian council member Khosam...

Criticism of UNRWA – is Switzerland paying for Hamas rockets?

Hamas missiles are intercepted by anti-missile missiles over Israel. As soon as an enemy missile approaches, the Israelis fire defensive missiles into the air. Israel under constant fire: over 3,100 rockets were fired from the Gaza...

Greek Church of Jerusalem Leased a Large Compound in the Old City Jews

There is an uproar in the Greek Orthodox church: approximately a month and a half ago, when Ma'ariv revealed the enormous deal in which the Greek Church of Jerusalem leased a large compound in...

Interview with Rabbi Arik Asherman, director of the RABBIS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS

Allan: Tell me a little about yourself. Asherman: Sure, my name is Rabbi Arik Asherman. I'm the executive director of Rabbi's for Human Rights. I also, on a part time basis am the Rabbi for...

Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine Oct 23

QUOTE OF THE DAY "The Jews came here to sweep away the presence our people to transfer our people." (Ahmad Abdul-Rahman, cabinet secretary of the Palestinian Authority, in Oct 23 first morning news interview) DETAIL AND...

Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 20/21

SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS In the lead-up to the Arab summit, there has once again been a strong escalation in strong rhetoric and atmospheric tension on the Voice of Palestine as shown in the broadcasts of...