Official PA radio news – P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 3rd

Summary and Analysis It was a sign of a relatively quiet day that VOP featured Dr. Nabil Sha'ath, talking about his trip to Sweden and Norway (and Belgium), as its featured Saturday morning interview guest. Nevertheless,...

Response to New Israel Fund Attack on Critique of Adalah

Arlene Kushner, Senior Policy Analyst Center for Near East Policy Research August 14, 2009 Mr. David Lewis Chelsea House West Gate London Dear David, You will find here my response to the letter - a critique of my report on Adalah -,...

Palestinian Lawyer, With 23 Other Political Detainees, Held in Palestinian Prison Lawyers Refused Permission...

Palestinian political prisoners held in PA prisons and interrogation centers have been refused the right to see their lawyers. At the Interrogation Center for the General Intelligence in Jericho, 24 political prisoners are being...

Evaluation of the Israeli/Palestinian Schoolbook Research Project

The Israeli-Palestinian schoolbook research project was commissioned by the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land (CRIHL) and financed by the US State Department. It started in 2009 and was headed by Professor...

EU Will Not Take Action Against Palestinian Authority or UNRWA schools

Recent press reports have conveyed the false impression that the EU, the European Union of 27 nations, asked for budgetary sanctions against the PA if the PA will not change their curricula. By implication, this affects UNRWA,...

The biggest leak in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Over the last several months, Al Jazeera has been given the largest-ever leak of confidential documents related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are nearly 1,700 files, thousands of pages of diplomatic correspondence detailing the...

Stockholm Syndrome Influences Academics

In 1995, Dr. Assaf David, a political scientist at the Hebrew University, then a soldier in the Israeli army, traveled to reach his military base on a bus in Jerusalem. Near Rene Cassin High...

Arlene Kushner News Analyis from Jerusalem, Israel

Posting: August 17, 2007 "Duplicity, duplicity" News has broken that Olmert and Abbas have been meeting to work out a framework for the "core" issues of refugees, Jerusalem and borders before the conference proposed by Bush...

It Happened Again:More East Jerusalem Arabs Tell Me that They Prefer Israel Over the...

Pollsters Yaacob Shamir and Khalil Shakiki Photo by Rhonda Spivak. Carob juice vendor outside Damascus Gate, Old City, East Jerusalem. (Note: the person in this photo was not interviewed.) Photo by Rhonda Spivak. Shopkeeper in East Jerusalem's Arab...

When the EU Facilitates Israeli Organizations in Support of the Oslo Process

The Middle East peace process initiated with the Oslo Accords has attracted many supporters of which the European Union is pre-eminent, with a financial aid program from the EU and the European Investment Bank...