Arafat’s Gone – But So What?

Ever since Mahmoud Abbas won the Palestinian presidency, the news out of Israel has been almost consistently positive. Violence against Israelis in the Occupied Territories and Israel proper is down. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon...

Hold Peres Accountable: Questions to Ask the President of Israel

The President of Israel, Shimon Peres, pushing 90, celebrates his longevity with a birthday bash this week that include thousands of invited guests and hundreds of reporters. It behooves the journalists who cover the Peres...

Should the PA be Asked to Cancel its Death Sentence for “Settlements”

When you demonize a person, he is no longer a person.The transformation of thousands of Israeli citizens into "settlers", a term that now connotes a "stealing squatter", has resulted in the sudden demonization of...

Take UNRWA to the hague

UNRWA does not hide the fact that its 30,000 workers act as soldiers at war with the Jews.   This is the time to take into account the origins of UNRWA, initiated by the 1948 UN...

Disengagement Lessons: Flawed Pullout Predictions Should Make Olmert Rethink His Plan

Eight months after the withdrawal from Gaza, or what was referred to as a "unilateral disengagement," things are not developing according to the early scenario marketed to the public. Almost nothing has materialized in the...

How Rice Was Received, Welcome afforded to Hamas

The Palestinian Authority welcomed US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to the Middle East this weekend in five main ways: Reporting the Rice visit with accompanying pictures of her with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas; Showing and...

Power Point: Anatomy of Hamas takeover of UNRWA

Download: Anatomy of Hamas takeover of UNRWA By: Jonathan D. HaLevi About Jonathan D. Halevi Senior researcher of the Middle East and radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; co-founder of the Orient Research Group...

Never Again was the reaction to the Shoah; now it helps us understand why...

Dear Friends, I was walking home today in midtown Manhattan and, to my horror, there was a brightly lit up truck declaring “NYC for the Palestinians, Israel must be stopped”.  This started me thinking –...

Who will stand up to Israel Defense Minister Gantz?

In our work, we have uncovered life threatening policies that the Israel Defense Minister allows to continue - without his objection. 1. We discovered the actual PA law that if you murder a Jew, you...

Brianna Barry

Overview Brianna Barry has promoted Holocaust revisionism, spread anti-Semitism and equated Israel with Nazi Germany. Barry also expressed support for Hamas terrorists and spread hatred of Zionists and Israel. Barry is a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement. As of June 2023, Barry’s LinkedIn profile said she was a “Data Scientist.” As of...