Gaza kids camp

Film of Summer Weapons Training for UNRWA students, to be screened by zoom for US Congressional Staff on August 24th at 1pm Eastern Time. Support for production and presentation of film documentation of the UNRWA reality to  donor nations can be...

Weapons Were Smuggled for the Palestinian Authority

Senior Israeli security sources said yesterday that the Palestinian Authority was behind the attempted smuggling of dozens of weapons which was foiled by the Israeli Army on Friday near the northern part of the...

Mahmoud Abbas can’t meet Israel’s basic requirement for peace

At an Independence Day reception for foreign diplomats, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of Israel’s desire for peace with the Palestinians. “Peace will be based on the principle of two states for two peoples,”...

The Economic Cooperation Foundation and Dr. Yossi Beilin

The ECF was founded ten years ago by Yossi Beilin, and initially registered at the address of Dr. Yair Hirschberg. The ECF charter states that its purpose is to facilitate the intervention of the...

Deterioration of Human Rights

In order to more correctly assess the impact of the Palestinian authority on human rights it is necessary to go back only one year to July 1997. During this period between Har Homa (the...

Israel Hands Over Sa-Nur in Samaria to Terrorists: HAMAS AND El-Aksa Martyrs Brigades:[Violation of...

Enthusiastic fingers raised in the air in a victory sign, debka dancing, Palestinian and Hamas flags, giant pictures of Yasser Arafat and "engineer" Yihya Ayash, and hoarse, rhythmic chanting of slogans-"Kassam, revenge, revenge," "From...

Tobias Petterson:Sweden’s responsibility: Stop extremism at UNRWA Schools

According to a new study from the Center for Near East Policy Research (CFNEPR), 240 textbooks used in the Palestinian refugee camps contain the message of violent extremism. The textbooks have been used in...

How UNRWA Grooms Terrorists

By providing the residents of the Gaza Strip with various services, UNRWA exempted Hamas from its responsibilities as the governing body, such as creating a working economy that would pay for education and...

Our agency’s revelations concerning UNRWA since publication of our book, “ROADBLOCK TO...

As reviewed at / UNRWA "Peace Ambassador" Who Sings For Terror Pope sees UNRWA refugee camp murals glorifying murder / Islamic groups that fund UNRWA Jews killed the Palestinian Authority Christian Education Texts Used in UNRWA Schools...

Incitement from Official PA Cleric in Friday Mosque Sermon

Palestinians warn of al-Aqsa attack in mosque incitement, Qreia briefing, while pushing tough line In a fiery official sermon on Palestinian State Television Friday (March 18, 2005), Palestinian preacher Sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiris declared that the...