Al-Barghuthi Says ‘Thousands’ Trained for Possible Clash

... Al-Barghuthi believes that procedures to establish a Palestinian state have actually begun with the establishment of the first Palestinian Authority in our history. Since the establishment of that authority, he aid, the building...

Al-Ahram: Hamas/PA Relations, Bin Laden

Dead or Alive? by Tareq Hassan "Some PA officials were quoted as saying.... was much weaker than originally thought; "as scary as a cat", some said." Excerpts Palestinian police lifted tight restrictions imposed earlier this week on...

PA Minister of Justice – Also Execute Land Dealers

IMRA interviewed Palestinian Authority Minister of Justice, Freih Abu Meddien, in English, on 31st August: IMRA: Do you see yesterdays' executions as setting a precedent for future cases or was it an exception? Meddien: Any crime...

Refusal to Recognize Israel Widespread on Palestinian TV

A report documenting hundreds of cases in which the Palestinian media broadcast messages indicating an unwillingness to recognize the state of Israel, even within the 1948 borders, was distributed yesterday by the Palestinian Media...

Palestine Authority Officials Comment on American Attacks

Following are two recent references by senior Palestinian officials to the US missile strikes against Sudan and Afghanistan: 24th August, 1998 interview on Israel Army radio with Sufian Abu Zaida, head of the PA's Israel...

Al-Ahram: Terrorism, Ngo’s, Arafat’s New Cabinet

Fertile Ground Salama Ahmed Salama Excerpts The success of international terrorism in breaking through seemingly impenetrable security barriers and outwitting advanced intelligence techniques in the Nairobi and Dar es Salaam bombings lays bare a new fact. A...

Report on Palestine Authority Summer Camps

Part 1. Educating Children to Violence Part 2. Children's Summer Camps are Military Training Camps Part 3. Education Children to See Land of the State of Israel as Palestine and Israeli Arabs as Palestinians 1. Introduction The Palestinian...

Yediot Aharonot’s Ron Ben-Yishai: Don’t Know What Arafat Wants

Senior "Yediot Aharonot" reporter, Ron Ben-Yishai's article, EXPOSURE: Military Intelligence Estimate - The Chance of War in the Coming Year Greater Than In The Past was the feature article in the Friday, 10th July...

Intelligence Sources: Hamas Members Who Planned Attacks are Serving in the Palestinian Security Forces

A recently compiled intelligence report submitted to the government lists 21 prominent Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists as currently serving in the Palestinian security forces. Six of the terrorists played central roles in the suicide...

Mothers of Palestinian Prisoners Subjected to Humiliating Treatment by Palestinian Officials and Police

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) expresses its outrage at the behavior of a number of Palestinian officials and policemen towards mothers of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. The women were physically and...