UNESCO, PLO Recognize Jerusalem As An Arab Capital

Contrary to a common assumption that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and its administrative arm, the Palestinian Authority (PA), demand "East Jerusalem" as a future capital for a nation state of Palestine, they actually...

Maryland Rabbis Won’t Take Van Hollen’s Contempt Lying Down

It’s possible that American Jewry is reaching the point at which its seemingly limitless patience reveals itself to be a finite resource. While the Jews of Berkeley were sitting-in and marching in protest of campus...

A nation once again?

http://www.gloria-center.org/2012/12/a-nation-once-again/ In Syria, the Assad regime’s retreat back to Damascus and the Alawi heartlands in the west of the country has made possible the emergence of a Kurdish autonomous area in the country’s northeast. This area...

On Palestinian Aid and Accountability

The decision to resume American aid to the Palestinians is a classic example of cart-before-the-horse thinking that has existed in one form or another for the past seven decades. Upwards of $235 million dollars...

Why is it Important that PA Textbooks Used in UNRWA Schools be Translated into...

Germany, which presents itself as a democratic power, is now the leading  donor state of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which services the  Palestinian refugees of the 1948 was… and their descendants.   Yet 54% of the current UNRWA budget is allocated to an education system which indoctrinates Arab children to make war...


Author, "ROADBLOCK TO PEACE- How the UN Perpetuates the Arab-Israeli Conflict: UNRWA policies reconsidered (Jerusalem, 2014) In the midst of this week's war commentary on the radio, TV and newspapers in Israel, the Israel Minister...

Commentary: The Baker-Hamilton Report, Syria, and More

Recommendations of the Baker Hamilton Commission on how to proceed in Iraq have not been formally announced as yet, but they have been leaked. A major -- and hugely horrendous -- proposal is that...

Israeli Arabs Sell Arms To Palestinians

http://www.menewsline.com Israeli police said Arabs in the Triangle district near Tel Aviv were acquiring and smuggling arms to Palestinian squads in the West Bank. They said many of the weapons were stolen from Israel Army...

Western Media Ignores Hamas Crackdown on Journalists

http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/08/05/western-media-ignores-hamas-crackdown-on-journalists/ Poor Harriet Sherwood, missing the big picture while obsessively reporting about the latest round of Middle East peace talks that promise to end the six-decade-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a mere nine months. While Sherwood, the...

Retired Israeli General warns of Iranian terror threat | Wake Up America

On Monday's "Wake Up America," Retired Israeli General Yossi Kuperwasser is warning of the terror threat from a nuclear armed Iran on the anniversary of 9/11. NEWSMAX's Daniel Cohen reports. Watch NEWSMAX, an independent...