Texts remain in UNRWA schools depite agreement

UNRWA agrees to and unprecedented new policy against incitement and violence. Will that policy hold? On July 14, Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA CommissionerGeneral of UNRWA. signed on to a new "memo of understanding" with the US government....

Three demands that the new government of Israel must require of the Palestine Liberation...

News Research Analyst During the month of August, 2021, the government of Israel will define its policy towards the Palestine Liberation Organization. Israel recognized the PLO as a peace partner on September 13, 1993, in a...

Republicans Want To Cut Funding for Palestinian Refugee Agency

Congressional Republicans are moving to cut American funding to the United Nations' Palestinian refugee agency, citing its promotion of anti-Israel materials and ties to Iranian-backed terror groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

The “Apartheid” Poll and the Disinformation Discourse

The July 2021 Jewish Electorate Institute poll of American Jewish opinion on Israel has triggered sharp debate both in the United States and Israel. The poll shows that 25 percent of respondents believe that...

Palestinian Terrorist Groups

The mainstream narrative organizations (formerly known as “news outlets”) refuse to label Palestinian terrorist groups as such, preferring softer marketing terms like “extremist” and “militant.” To be clear, the United States and many governments...

Mahmoud Abbas’s Demands: A Decree of Israel’s Surrender

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The demands issued by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas show a clear intention to turn the clock back. Israel cannot accept these dictates, which would have been rejected out of hand by Yitzhak...

Biden Delivers, For Whom?

Seeing the region through the lens of the “Palestinian-Israeli peace process,” President Joe Biden and the U.S. State Department are backing the Palestinian Authority under oppressive octogenarian Mahmoud Abbas—in the 17th year of his...

Support for hateful Palestinian textbooks undermines the antisemitism fight

After years of delay, the EU has finally released its much-anticipated report into the Palestinian Authority’s school curriculum which lifts the bonnet on the appalling material UK-funded teachers are delivering to Palestinian children day-in day-out.

Grooming junior jihadists

The international community and mainstream media are shamefully ignoring a major destructive scandal in progress right now – the indoctrination of children into terrorism. In the northern hemisphere it is the middle of summer and...

The Media in the 2021 Gaza War: The New York Times’ Journalistic Malpractice

Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation No. 648     July 7, 2021 This article is part of the forthcoming Jerusalem Center research report: The Gaza War 2021: Hamas and Iran Attack Israel. ...