Palestinian Arab Educator Bemoans the Cut-off of Funds to PA Schools

What Palestinian students are taught in the classroom and what textbooks they read have somehow become a major issue in the current debate on ways to end the cycle of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian...

News Stories Inside the Palestinian Authority Not Reported Elsewhere: Accountability and the PLO

PLO representative in Washington, Hassan Abdul Rahman has kept millions of dollars for Palestinian students from abroad. He spent money to buy huge homes in the Washington area. He has a Cadillac, beautiful clothes....


The May 28th 2012decision of the Australian government to increase its allocation to the United Nations Relief and Works agency, UNRWA, the agency that serves Palestinian Refugees and their descendants - by 450% -...

Palestinian Textbooks Still Celebrate Terrorists

There was a small kerfuffle this weekend as stories came out that the official Palestinian fifth grade textbook for teaching the Arabic language mentioned how great Dalal Mughrabi was — but used the wrong photo of...

Education for war

Quite a lot has changed since 1986, when David Bedein took a year off from his social work practice to campaign against the Palestinian propaganda machine’s influence in the media. Today, his mission has been taken...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: November 18, 2007 "Anyone's Guess" Will the conference be held in Annapolis on November 27? Still possible, but looking less likely. Khaled Abu Toameh is reporting in the Post that PA officials are saying they are...

Why Publicize What Arabs Say in Arabic?

At the annual American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) Conference, held recently in Philadelphia, a newsworthy session was held with Chemi Shalev, the newly appointed US correspondent for the English language edition of the Israeli...

Three pieces with the right questions to ask about EU funding of PA/UNRWA education

Response of  ​​the EU Dept of  Foreign Affairs and Security Affairs Regarding your questions, the EU is firmly committed to promote inclusive and quality education for the Palestinian people, including to ensure full adherence with the United Nations...

A Dialogue with Yonatan Bassie, Administrator of the Sharon Plan

Yonatan Bassie, appointed by Ariel Sharon to set up the administrative office designed to implement Sharon's plan, invited his critics to meet with him. I took Bassie up on his offer, and was graciously received...

Official West Bank withdrawal panel commissioned by Israeli Foreign Minister Livni: No solution to...

The realignment committee set up to evaluate the idea of a unilateral withdrawal from most of the West Bank presented senior political officials with its report in which they raised legal, security and economic...