Dr. Newman’s Settlement Myths

Dr. David Newman, writing in the New York Times on May 21, "How the Settlements Grew", gives credence to the myths concerning Israel's Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Dr. Newman mistakenly states that...

Why the Palestinians are Winning the Media War: An Interview with David Bedein in...

David Bedein has run the Jerusalem-based Israel Resource News Agency, which provides news services for the foreign media, since 1987. He has also worked on special assignment for BBC, CNN Radio, the Los...

Mitchell, A Mideast Envoy With A Tendentious Legacy

Following President Obama's appointment of former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell of Maine as his Middle East envoy, it may be instructive to remember the tendentiousness of George Mitchell's 2001 report titled: "The Mitchell Report on...

South Hebron Hills ‘Settler Violence’ – The Other Side of the Story

The Arab narrative of the events of the day were immediately adopted by the media,” activist Ari Kaniel said. “Why does nobody ask what made Orthodox Jews throw rocks on a holy day, something...

Military Implications of the Seizure of the PLO Gun Ship

Alongside the diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire with Israel, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been involved -- since the beginning of the second intifada -- in the indigenous production of weapons and ammunition...

Palestine Broadcasting Corporation Children’s TV Program

Video is available from "SHALOM LEDOROT" - Address listed below. This video was shown at the March 11, 1998 hearings at the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee "All means of... education" The P.L.O. Covenant - Article 7 What...

Incisive News Coverage of Israel

Posting: September 21, 2008 "Narrative" In the Torah reading for this past Shabbat -- Ki Tavo -- Moses speaks to the children of Israel shortly before they cross the Jordan River "into the Land that G-d...

PLO Security Chief Mohammad Dahlan Interviewed: “Most of the People in Israel Want War”

Just a few weeks after Ma'ariv published my colleague Ben Caspit's exclusive story about Arafat's instructions to kill settlers, the Arabic translation of the story was placed on the desk of Mohammed Dahlan, commander...

Al-Ahram: Terrorism, Ngo’s, Arafat’s New Cabinet

Fertile Ground Salama Ahmed Salama Excerpts The success of international terrorism in breaking through seemingly impenetrable security barriers and outwitting advanced intelligence techniques in the Nairobi and Dar es Salaam bombings lays bare a new fact. A...

Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 12-17

There was an important shift in recent days in the content and tone of broadcasts, best signified by what was left out as by what was left in. The lead-up to the Sharm al-Sheikh summit...