Deconditioning Palestinian Arab Society From Inculcated Hatred

In the event of a peace declaration between the Palestinian Arabs and Israel, either as a result of a negotiated peace, or after a Ccpitulation by the Palestinians secondary to successful Israeli military action,...

Republicans Want To Cut Funding for Palestinian Refugee Agency

Congressional Republicans are moving to cut American funding to the United Nations' Palestinian refugee agency, citing its promotion of anti-Israel materials and ties to Iranian-backed terror groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

UNRWA after the war

The war in Gaza will change many basic things, not only in the Middle East but all over the world as well, hopefully for the better and a policy change within UNRWA is a...

Russia Offers PA Range of Military Options

Russia has offered a range of military equipment and training to the Palestinian Authority. Russian officials said President Vladimir Putin has proposed to donate Russian military helicopters, armored personnel carriers and instruction to Palestinian security...

Kerry: Stay home U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned of a return to Palestinian violence and Israel's isolation if the faltering peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians ultimately fail. This is a typical leftist Pavlovian...

US Consulate: US Never Cited Palestinian Violation

IMRA spoke with Amjad Hidmi, an Information Specialist at the United States Information Service at the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem, in English, on March 3: IMRA: I have been going through the data bases I...

Remarks To the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Regarding the Situation of Palestinian Refugees

Mr. Chairman, thank-you for the opportunity to address this report on the situation of Palestinian refugees. While Canada is only an observer in this Assembly, we have a significant interest in this issue as...

Israel’s Arabs: Deprived or Radicalized? October 1, 2000, was a watershed in Arab-Jewish relations in the state of Israel. On that day, as most Israelis were celebrating the Jewish new year, their Arab compatriots unleashed a tidal wave of...

Israel Sees PA Committed To Uprising

Israel's intelligence community has determined that the Palestinian Authority was committed to another revolt in the West Bank. The open-source arm of the intelligence community asserted that the PA decided to wage what was termed...


The Palestinian Authority can't find hundreds of millions of dollars of money provided by donor nations. Officials said the Finance Ministry has lost all track of funds, receipts and salaries. They said donor nations, who...