What is Egypt ultimately facing with the Israeli war on Gaza?

http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/106301/Egypt/Politics-/What-is-Egypt-ultimately-facing-with-the-Israeli-w.aspx From left to right: Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, Khaled Meshal, top Hamas leader (C) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Reuters) It is not so much that Egypt worries about the fate of Hamas...

Palestinians Set Up Joint Security

Palestinian sources said the militias were working to establish a force that would protect residents of 11 UNRWA Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. They said the joint force would be overseen by a unified...

Operation Protective Edge: Possible Scenarios for What Lies Ahead

http://www.inss.org.il/index.aspx?id=4538&articleid=7210 The starting assumption for an analysis of possible scenarios regarding Operation Protective Edge is that the fighting began when Hamas was increasingly weakened in the Gaza Strip and had little to lose. This situation...

UN: Israel Warned Before Attacks

The United Nations has determined that Israel's military warned civilians before most attacks on the Gaza Strip. A UN report asserted that Israel's military notified families to evacuate their homes in the Gaza Strip. The...


Uzi Dayan on mount Sarbata with Jordan valley and Jordanian mountain range in background photo by Rhonda Spivak At the David Citadel Hotel during Prime Minister Harper's visit to Israel this past January, I bumped into...

Why Does Hamas Want War?

http://www.danielpipes.org/14574/israel-hamas-war Politicians start wars optimistic about their prospects of gaining from combat, Geoffrey Blainey notes in his masterly study, The Causes of War ; otherwise, they would avoid fighting. Why, then, did Hamas just provoke a...

PA and Other Arab Reactions to the Gaza Crisis

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/pa-and-other-arab-reactions-to-the-gaza-crisis The most striking aspect of ongoing Arab reactions to the latest Hamas-Israeli clashes is an act of omission: the Palestinian Authority (PA) and President Mahmoud Abbas are not calling for Hamas to stop firing...

ARCHIVES: Weekly Commentary: Hasbara dropping the ball – the illegal rockets

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=64293 Mahmoud Abbas: "stressing the new government’s commitment to the obligations of the Palestinian Authority and all previously signed agreements".) Today we are being bombarded by rockets whose very existence in the Gaza Strip represents...

British MP asks how much UK money goes to fund Arab terrorists

Questions for answer on or after Monday, 14 July 2014 Mr Peter Bone (Wellingborough): To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what recent reports he has received on the Palestinian Authority's...

Hit Hamas Hard to Create a Different Strategic Balance Against Islamic Terrorism

http://besacenter.org/perspectives-papers/hit-hamas-hard-create-different-strategic-balance-islamic-terrorism/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hit-hamas-hard-create-different-strategic-balance-islamic-terrorism EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: It is time for a full-scale offensive against Hamas and the other Islamist-Jihadist groups in Gaza. Israel should take over Gaza temporarily; destroy the terrorist infrastructure as much as possible, to the...