Caroline Glick: Myth of the ‘two-state solution’ Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post and the Center for Security Policy discusses myths of the 'two-state solution' in the Middle East and lays out her blueprint for "Ending The Stalemate."

Behind The Scene with David Bedein: April 13th, 2020

Behind The Scene With David Bedein from Israel – April 13th, 2020.

Behind the scene with David Bedein – January 19, 2023

Behind the scene with David Bedein - January 19, 2023  

Behind the scene with David Bedein – August 19, 2022

Behind the scene with David Bedein - August 19, 2022  

Sderot resident; 66-year old Maria, angry with Hamas

Maria Kovelskya is a 66-year old Ukrainian immigrant. Her husband died a year and half ago. She now lives alone in her Sderot apartment with her five cats to keep her company."I live in fear here...

Bedein lecture Will the PLO trample on Trump’s PLO policies?

David Bedein talks about why peace is hard to get.

Did the White House ‘Cleanse’ References to Jerusalem, Israel From Its Web Site? cleanse-references-to-jerusalem-israel-from-its-web-site/ On Tuesday, The Weekly Standard’s deputy online editor, Daniel Halper, made a noteworthy charge against the White House. Following an article in which he discussed the ongoing debate over which country the U.S. believes Jerusalem...

Palestinian kids taught to hate Israel in UN-funded camps, clip shows

New video footage appears to show Palestinian children in summer camps run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) being taught that “Jews are the wolf,” and that they will one day...

Say a clear NO to Trump’s Plan

Trump's plan - The truth Some consider it a once-in-a-century opportunity. Some say it's very bad for Israel, it's a continuation of the Oslo Accords. Who is right?