ATTEMPT TO BAN IAW IS LOSING BATTLE - BUILDING AN ISRAELI MARKET, BAGELS AND SIZE DOESN'T MATTER CAMPAIGN ISN'T ENOUGH In her lecture, Dr. Chatterley refers to the Size Doesn't Matter Campaign 2010 inaugural video...

UNRWA Uprising – English Version

UNRWA Uprising - English from David Bedein on Vimeo.

Courageous Micah Avni at the United Nations “Human Rights” Council in Geneva directly confronting... WATCH: Courageous Micah Avni at the United Nations “Human Rights” Council in Geneva directly confronting the UN’s anti-Israel “rapporteur” Michael Lynk: "What if I were to pay $3 million to have your father shot...

Terror Racket and Corruption

Terror Racket and Corruption from Pierre Rehov on Vimeo.

Behind the smokescreeen ( Full movie )

The ultimate tool against Palestinian propaganda, Hamas use of international media, UN and media lies against Israel. Not all Palestinians are terrorists, but most terrorists are connected one way or another to the so-called...

David Bedein: Balfour Declaration Centennial & UNRWA Supported Palestinian Hate Curriculum

David Bedein: Balfour Declaration Centennial & UNRWA Supported Palestinian Hate Curriculum Held at Orthodox Union (OU) Israel Center / November 2, 2017. Rechov Keren HaYessod 22, Jerusalem.

UN Textbooks for Palestinian Children “Explosively Anti-Semitic, Anti-American and Anti-Israeli” explosively-anti-semitic-anti-american-and-anti Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), chairman of the House subcommittee on Human Rights and co-chairman of the Bi-Partisan Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism, told that U.S. donations to the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency...

Gov’t votes not to renew transfer of PA taxes Palestinian unilateral statehood is as dangerous as terror attacks, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz said Monday. He defended the security cabinet’s decision to continue to freeze the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority. At the...

Watch: Hamas trains UNRWA pupils to become terrorists

An excerpt from an upcoming documentary on the relationship between the Hamas terrorist organization and UNRWA shows Gazan children being led into a mock terror tunnel, where they are taught how to attack an...

David Bedein addresses the UK Zionist Federation on the subject of “The UK...

David Bedein is an MSW community organizer and an investigative journalist. In 1987, Bedein established the Israel Resource News Agency at Beit Agron to accompany foreign journalists in their coverage of Israel, to balance...