Behind the scene with David Bedein – December 30, 2023

Behind The Scene with David Bedein: March 24th, 2020

Behind The Scene With David Bedein.

CAMP JIHAD”: NEW FILM SHOWS PALESTINIAN KIDS TRAINED FOR WAR IN UNRWA REFUGEE CAMPS,... A new film directed by David Bedein, a special correspondent for the Wininpeg Jewish Review shows that Palestinian children in summer camps run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) are being...

It’s Illegal to enter Bethlehem!?

sraelis are forbidden to enter this Arab area. And these signs are all over JUDEA and SAMARIA. Where is the outrage??

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Produces Video: Challenges UNRWA

Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the historical facts relating to the issue of refugees in the Israeli Palestinian conflict. The video explains the reason there are still refugees after more...

Palestinian Bassem Eid Exposes Anti-Israel BDS Movement

Behind The Scene with David Bedein: February 25, 2020