Gaza: Palestinian Rockets Unlawfully Targeted Israeli Civilians (Jerusalem) - Palestinian armed groups in Gaza violated the laws of war during the November 2012 fighting by launching hundreds of rockets toward population centers in Israel. About 1,500 rockets were fired at Israel between...

Israel says will act if WMDs transferred to Hezbollah,7340,L-4428767,00.html As the international community tries to reach an understanding regarding Syrian chemical disarmament, Israel closely monitors the actions of President Bashar Assad. Officials made clear Wednesday night that Israel has not withdrawn, and the...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – September 15, 2022

Behind the scene with David Bedein - September 15, 2022

Behind The Scene with David Bedein: First Hand Account of AIPAC Conference, May 2011

show details 14:28 (18 minutes ago) http://www.israelnationalnews. com/Radio/News.aspx/3153 Israel National Radio Archive http://www.israelnationalnews. com/Radio/Author.aspx/4286 www.­archive.­org/­details/­ BehindTheSceneWi­thDavidBedein

Hamas got rich as Gaza was plunged into poverty,7340,L-4543634,00.html While the fighting is only expected to worsen the distress of the residents of Gaza, the Strip's economic outlook for the Strip was never good. The unemployment rate in Gaza stood at approximately 40%...

Audio Report From BEHIND THE SCENE WITH DAVID BEDEIN: “Israel Stands Up to Incitement”

Link to this week’s radio feature: Israel Stands Up to Incitement March 31, 2011 Link to previous shows:

What will Happen When a Qassam rocket is fired at Israel’s Ben Gurion International...

In Gaza, it took Hamas 10 years to threaten Tel- Aviv.. How long will it take Hamas to threaten Ben Gurion airport with only 1 Qassam rocket at a range of only 6 KM? Has any...

Clifford May on the popularity of sharia in the Muslim world (America Live/FNC)

FDD's Clifford D. May discusses a recent Pew poll on the popularity of sharia in the Muslim world and alarming opinions on the use of suicide bombing.

Misunderstood issue of employing Arabs in Israel

The issue is not whether or not to employ Arab workers in Israel. The issue at hand is that the GSS , Israel's "General Security Services" will not provide Israeli employers with info on possible...

Lecture by David Bedein “The Enemy of My Enemy is Still My Enemy: The...

The Terror Conventional&Nuclear Threat Posed by Saudis Q&A.