Israeli Security Force Operation in Jenin and the Jenin Refugee Camp Review and Summary

Shortly before 2 a.m. on July 5, 2023, the Israeli security force operation in Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp ended; it had lasted for 48 hours. It was broadest Israeli security force...

Amb Prosor addresses UNGA debate on “The Question of Palestine” -+statements/Amb_Prosor_addresses_UNGA_29-Nov-2011.htm Mr. President, A great Jewish sage once wrote, "The truth can hurt like a thorn, at first; but in the end it blossoms like a rose." His words came to my mind today. His insight could...

Audio; Behind The Scene with David Bedein: Ask Tougher Questions about the Prospects of... Ask Tougher Questions about the Prospects of a Palestinian State INR Archive

Behind The Scene With David Bedein: Archive of Recent Weekly Radio Newsreel News Analysis... details/ BehindTheSceneWithDavidBedein& reCache=1

Audio; Behind The Scene with David Bedein: Questions Surrounding Murder of Ben Yosef Livnat...

http://www.israelnationalnews. com/Radio/News.aspx/3101 Israel National Radio Archive http://www.israelnationalnews. com/Radio/Author.aspx/4286 details/ BehindTheSceneWithDavidBedein  

This is how Palestinian propaganda works Last Saturday riots broke out near the Israeli village of Esh Kodesh near Nablus. As usual the incident found its way into the international media. Here is how AFP reported the story: AFP - Israeli soldiers on...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – Yom Ha´atzmaut

Behind the scene with David Bedein - Yom Ha´atzmaut

Israel PR : 2 video interviews conducted with David Bedein in LA synagogue,...

Nationalisms - Jewish vs Radical Muslim- goals, messages, methods (3.5 minutes) Israel vs Palestine in the media (28 minutes)


It has arguably not been a good week for Palestinianian Authortiy President Mahmoud Abbas. Last Saturday February 5, The Palestinian Authority finally allowed a protest to take place in Ramallah in solidarity with thre Egyptian...

Tourism at record high in 1st half of 2013,7340,L-4403001,00.html VIDEO - Tourism to Israel hit a record January-June high this year, reaching 1.7 million visitors, the Central Bureau of Statistics said this week. The figure was 1% higher than in the same six-month period...