Israelis Evicted From Their Homes, Summer 2005

Report #8, State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Friday afternoon: Just when it appeared that the problem was solved, the Disengagement Authority apparently did not reach an agreement with the hotel after...

State of (evicted) Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research Previous reports available at: /bin/review.cgi?Year=2009 Response to the Fact sheet on the...

Report #11: State of [evicted ] Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research Update on the 30,000 shekel burial for Netzer Hazani victim As a...

Report #10: State of Evicted Residents of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron...

A member of Moshav Netzer Hazani, Hezi Hazani (no relation to the man for whom it was named), 53, dropped dead on Tuesday in...

State of Gush Katif, Northern Sinai and Northern Shomron Communities: Evacuee Update 2

Homesh On September 18 it was announced that more than 30 families from Homesh, northern Shomron, would be moving to temporary quarters at Yad Hana,...

Israeli Government Violations of Disengagement Opponents’ Civil Rights

Since the passage of the Law on Evacuation and Compensation (“The Disengagement Law”) by the Knesset in February 2005, the civil rights of opponents...

Gaza Rocket, Mortar Attacks Continue

Gaza terror organizations continued over the weekend to fire Kassam rockets and mortar shells on the western Negev communities. Nine rockets and 13 mortar...

Report #13, November 4, 2005: State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron...

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research In this issue: Special Needs Children from Ir Haemuna Ir Haemuna Neve...

Report #5: State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Police Back on the Beat Israel Television's Channel Two reported this morning that police in the south of Israel have made a number of...

Report #9: State of evicted Gush Katif, Northern Gaza & N. Shomron Communities

At the time of this writing (Sunday, October 9th, 3 p.m. Israel time), according to the residents of the Shirat Hayam Hotel in Ashkelon,...