Severe US Gov’t Comptroller Report: US Military Training of Palestinian Security Forces

The 2003 Roadmap for Peace process sponsored by the United States and other nations obligates the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Government of Israel to undertake security efforts as a necessary precursor for achieving the...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (February 19 –25, 2020)

This past week terrorist events focused on another round of escalation from the Gaza Strip, initiated by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) (February 23-24, 2020). More than 110 rockets were fired at the Israeli communities...

Following the Israel and US Elections: How to Galvanize public opinion to defeat...

Following the US and Israel elections: Our document to submit to the newUS Congress & the Israeli Knesset, Nov. 13, 2022 How to defeat the PLO and UNRWA 1. Recognize the new paradigm: Fatah can no longer...

Until Messiah, forecast is cloudy skies with 100% chance of antisemitism

Many people assumed that antisemitism died with Hitler in his bunker in 1945. Alas, that was wishful thinking. In 2010, then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke of the frustration of combatting antisemitism: “Forms...

U.N. Schools of “JIHADI TERROR” WorldWide”

Where do YOUR tax dollars go? PROOF! U.N. Schools teach Jihadi TERROR WorldWide!

Report # 12: State of [EVICTED] Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research "No Treatment for Special Needs Children" There are three families currently living in Ir Haemuna who have young children who have special...

Time to Reconsider U.S. Support of UNRWA

Abstract The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was established more than 60 years ago as a temporary initiative to address the needs of Palestinian refugees and...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 16 – 22, 2021)

There were two terrorist attacks this past week: A Palestinian woman was killed attempting a combined vehicular-ramming and stabbing attack in Hizma, south of Nablus; a Palestinian woman tried to carry out a stabbing attack...

Report #3, September 20:State of Gush Katif, Northern Sinai and Northern Shomron Communities

The World Bank in Gaza and vacated Gush Katif Globes journalist Gadi Golan reported that the World Bank will grant a series of financial incentives to entrepreneurs and investors who set up enterprises, businesses,...