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Why We Do What We Do

​I  got on the Jersualem Light Rail today.​​ It was there that I saw Dana Weissman, a young man whom I knew when I was a community social worker in Tzfat more than 30 years...

Members of the Center for Near East Policy Research will be briefing concerning the...

Members of the Center for Near East Policy Research will be briefing concerning the policies of The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), a United Nations agency which received over $400 million in...

Why Canada should not restore funding to UNRWA

As the world’s largest multilateral institution, founded to promote international peace, security, co-operation, and human rights, the United Nations is an important vehicle for achieving Canadian foreign-policy objectives. However, as Minister of Foreign Affairs...

Timing is indeed crucial…writes Michael Kuttner

Momentous events in our recent past and also today are more often than not determined by timing. A reader in a feedback recently stated that seizing the right opportunity in order to make decisive moves...

Even without a Political Solution, This may be Time to Find a Humanitarian Solution...

At a time of deadlock in political negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the US, which donates $400 million to UNRWA each year- 33% of the UNRWA budget, can use its leverage to...

Quartet Reaffirms Genocidal Ideology of the PLO

Current Middle East negotiations are based on "PLO principles", as elucidated in the US State Department link from February 2016:.   Since the PLO has never changed its covenant of commitment for a full scale...

Open letter to UN Amb. Samantha Power on your visit: An Opportunity to Reform...

US Ambassador to the UN Dear Ambassador Power, Welcome to Jerusalem! At a time of continued deadlock in political negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, you can use thie leverage of the US, which donates $400...

Mariented in Hate

On January 17, Morad Adais, a fifteen-year-old Palestinian, entered the settlement of Otniel, and stabbed to death Dafna Meir, Hy'd, a thirty-eight-year-old mother of four and foster mother of two other children under five....

Ignorance is not bliss…writes Michael Kuttner

Benjamin Franklin said it best when he stated: “We are all born ignorant but one must work hard to remain stupid.” This quote came to mind when surveying the events of the past week. One...

Our agency facilitated an informal briefing for US embassy officials at the Knesset, with...

Last week, our agency facilitated an informal briefing for US embassy officials at the Knesset, with experts on the subject of UNRWA policies. The following letter to the US Ambassador to Israel presents five...