palestinian education - search results

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Who pays for the ongoing decades-long UNRWA fiasco and why it matters: The latest...

UNRWA was created almost seventy years ago and has evolved into the UN's single largest arm, employing more than 30,000 staffers. Ninety-nine percent of that incomprehensible total (we explain why in a moment) is made up...

Return and renewal

As I write these lines Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day for Fallen soldiers and terror victims) is concluding…says Michael Kuttner. It is a day to remember and honour all those who have fallen in the line...

Indoktrinera Barnen i Gaza med hat och våld mot Israel

För kännedom: Denna söndag, 15 maj, firades i Palestina " Nakba dag"! Genom UNRWA, (som finansieras av U .S. och 38 andra västerländska demokratier) lanserades då processioner med beväpnade ungdomar i deras skolor, sjöng sånger om...

Indoctrinating Gazan Children with Hatred and the Use of Violence against Israel

Overview 1. Events were recently held in the Gaza Strip as part of the 8th Children's Festival. They were exploited to indoctrinate Gazan kindergarten children with hatred and the use of violence against Israel. One...

Protecting the Status of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” בֵיתִי בֵּית תְּפִלָּה יִקָּרֵא לְכָל הָעַמִּים – Isaiah 56:7 Palestinians demonstrate in front of the Dome of the Rock after clashes between Palestinian stone throwers and...

Exclusive: Undercover Investigative Films Expose Inner Workings of BDS

UNDERSTANDING BDS-DEFINITION AND BACKGROUND The term BDS refers to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions conducted against the state of Israel, and also a way to attack the Jewish people both in Israel and worldwide. Partially funded...

Leaving a real Mideast legacy?

The political deadlock between Israel and the Palestinian Authority will not be resolved any time soon. Israel demands that the PA recognize it as a Jewish state and put an end to its war-inciting education,...

In conversation with Bassem Eid – a man of courage

For those who came to hear Bassem Eid last Sunday at Congregation Beth Tikvah-B’nai Jeshurun in suburban Philadelphia, an event sponsored by StandWithUs, the afternoon served as an unusual treat.  What the audience heard...

Insights into Advocacy for Israel – in Ottawa and in Washington D.C.

Insights into Advocacy for Israel - in Ottawa and in Washington D.C. with David Bedein, Director of the Center for Near East Policy Research and The Israel Resource News Agency. David Bedein will present a...

To Dr. Cary Nelson, who chaired the anti-BDS conference in Jerusalem on Monday

Attn: Dr. Cary Nelson Author, The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel Dear Cary, Good to meet you and good to see you at the conference. This is how you were quoted by journalist Judy Maltz HAARETZ “Nelson,...