unrwa - search results

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“Honey I lost the key”: What happened to the UNRWA two ton key on...

For the past four years, adjacent to the UNRWA headquarters the AL Aida refugee facility in Bethlehem hosted a two ton key rested on top of the entrance to Al Aida, which is shaped...

US taxpayers aid to UNRWA tops $10 billion

http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/foreign-policy/230249-us-taxpayers-aid-to-unrwa-tops-10-billion A battle erupted on Capitol Hill over the mandate of the organization charged with disbursing international aid to Palestinian refugees. Last week, Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) challenged the United Nations Relief and Works Agency...

US cut in support for UNRWA “would signal intent to nullify right of return”

http://www.middleeastmonitor.org.uk/news/middle-east/3808-us-cut-in-support-for-unrwa-qwould-signal-intent-to-nullify-right-of-returnq The Head of the Office for Refugees' Affairs in Gaza, Dr. Essam Odwan, has called upon the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, to submit a draft resolution demanding...


The May 28th 2012decision of the Australian government to increase its allocation to the United Nations Relief and Works agency, UNRWA, the agency that serves Palestinian Refugees and their descendants - by 450% -...

UNRWA Reform

For years we have been part of a small cadre of determined individuals who saw clearly the damage being done by UNRWA -- the UN Relief and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees. Damage to...

UNRWA Status Update on Capitol Hill

http://schanzer.pundicity.com/11725/status-update A war is brewing on Capitol Hill. And while wars tend to create refugees, this one may result in fewer of them. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) is trying to get a handle on the real...

Video: Canadian Parliamentary briefing: UNRWA Reform Briefing Hosted by MP Adler/ conducted by Center...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KOT8G5hX18 UNRWA Reform Briefing / Invite: La nécessité d'une réforme de l'UNRWA March 27, 2012 Mark Adler, MP invites Senators, Members of Parliament and Staff to a briefing on UNRWA REFORM Tuesday, March 27, 2012 6:30pm (or after votes) Room 7-50,...

Invitation: UNRWA Reform Briefing / Invite: La nécessité d’une réforme de l’UNRWA

Mark Adler, MP invites Senators, Members of Parliament and Staff to a briefing on UNRWA REFORM Tuesday, March 27th 6:30pm (or after votes) Room 7-50, 131 Queen Street. The Centre for Near East Policy Research will address the group on...

Power Point: Anatomy of Hamas takeover of UNRWA

Download: Anatomy of Hamas takeover of UNRWA By: Jonathan D. HaLevi About Jonathan D. Halevi Senior researcher of the Middle East and radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; co-founder of the Orient Research Group...