palestinian education - search results

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Freedom of Expression, UN Human Rights Council un-human-rights-council Part 1: Overview and Background: 1) By any objective standard, Israeli democracy is as robust and pluralistic as any in the world. There are no restrictions on any form of protest or advocacy, including very...

Capitol Hill Diary: Should the US finance UNRWA “right of return” indoctrination?

Flashback to 1976. I was then escorted with a delegation of social work professionals to visit UNRWA facilities in Gaza. There, Dr. Eli Lasch,then the head of the Israel Civil Administration's Gaza health department, explained that...

What UNRWA Should not Teach in its Schools

Member, Advisory Council on the Comprehensive study of incitement in Middle East textbooks, commissioned by the Council for Religious Institutions in the Holy Land, an interfaith association of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim leaders UNRWA is...

Make Representations to Benyamin Netanyahu: Will he follow up with vital issues with the...

As talks resume with the Palestinian Authority, the time has come to ask Israel PM Benyamin Netanyahu if he follows up with vital issues with the PA: 1. Will PM Netanyahu demand that the PA...

Israel and the European Union: A Change in Tone? INSS As expected, the government of Israel’s decision to issue a tender for construction of 1,000 housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem elicited a response from Catherine Ashton, the EU’s High Representative...

Human Wrongs: The Worst of Amnesty, HRW, and others in 2011 _amnesty_hrw_and_others_in _ JERUSALEM - With 2011 concluding, NGO Monitor today released a list of the most outrageous and absurd NGO actions from the past year, demonstrating the political nature of NGOs involved in the Arab-Israeli...

Member of Israeli Knesset Parliament to seek closure of UNRWA refugee aid agency

A member of the Israeli Knesset Parliament intends to ask the U.N. to close down the aid agency that assists Palestinian refugees living in Judea and Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem, saying the organization poses...

UNESCO Fueling Cultural Conflict Over Hebron Holy Site It is a clear blue and busy day in the holy city of Hebron. A small crowd of press gathers around Israeli Minister Yuli Edelstein outside the Tomb of Patriarchs. A Bar Mitzvah celebration...

Interview With Hillel Neuer Of Un Watch On The Pa Un Bid, Unwra Reform,... INTERVIEW_WITH_HILLEL_NEUER_OF_UN_WATCH_ON_THE_PA_UN_BID, _UNWRA_REFORM,_RICHARD_FALK,_SYRIA_AND_MORE _ Editor's Note: Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN WATCH will be the guest speaker at the 2011 Annual Jewish Foundation of Manitobacs Luncheon on Wednesday Nov. 23, 2011 at the Faimont Hotel ....

Four Questions for Fayyad

Salman Fayad has announced that he may resign as the head of the Palestinian Authority, where he earned an undeserved reputation with the media as someone who led the Palestinian Arab people in a...