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A Tribute to Archbishop Sambi, Reassigned from Jerusalem to Washington

This week, a special farewell ceremony was held in Jerusalem for Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the Pope's ambassador in Israel, formally known as the Papal Nuncio. Archbishop Pietro Sambi has been reassigned as the Papal Nuncio...

Katif Farmers Forcibly Unemployed

Over the past month, the Israeli government has run an ad campaign to encourage farmers who were expelled last summer from Gush Katif to come to an "Employment Tent" in the new mobile home...

Police Actvities in Hebron

Video clip of Tzippy Shlissel's arrest: www.hebron.com/news/tzippyarrest.htm The story of two Hebron women Hebron has been relatively quiet today. The police, although still present, have lowered their visibility profile and are not, at present, marching through...

IDF Moves Into Hebron With Orders To Fire On Jews

Acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has deployed top counter-insurgency units to demolish a small Jewish neighborhood in Hebron known as "The Shalhevet Neighborhood". Israeli security sources said military and police commanders have been given...

Where is UNRWA Going After the Withdrawal from Katif?

In early November, shortly after Israel had pulled out of Gaza, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom met with UNRWA's new commissioner-general, Karen AbuZayd. Shalom suggested, during that meeting, that it might be time for...

The Late Kaare Kristiansen: From a reporter’s diary

Norwegian statesman Kaare Kristiansen, who made his name as a friend of Israel since the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948, passed away on Sunday at the age of 85. My first contact with...

State of (evicted) Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities

Commissioned by Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research Previous reports available at: /bin/review.cgi?Year=2009 Response to the Fact sheet on the Disengagement passed out at the Toronto GA at: /library/pdfs/FactSheetAndResponses.pdf Contents *"Let my...

Why the Evacuees Must Sue: The Time Has Come for Class Action Suits

The Evacuation-Compensation Law is written in such a way, so that the only redress for many of the items is through appropriate litigation steps. This is built into the law. It includes such items as: compensation...


On the eve of disengagement, a massive government public relations campaign maintained that "there is a solution for each evacuee." Today, more than 100 days after nearly 9,000 Israelis were uprooted, it emerges that...

Let My People Sue: Help the Evacuees Regain Their Dignity in Court

Three months ago, 10,000 people were forcibly evicted by the Israeli Government from their privately owned homes and farms in 25 Jewish communities in Gush Katif, northern Gaza, and northern Samaria. A few days...