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The Report Is Out: A Look Behind the Curtain to EU Assistance to the...

(Washington, D.C., Dec. 21, 2021)--B’nai B’rith International has just published an essential report, pulling back the curtain on European Union (EU) assistance to the Palestinian Authority and other beneficiaries. The report, titled “Aligning Principles and...

DCIP marks 30 years of defending Palestinian children´s right

To the financial supporters of such child-protection agencies as @UNICEF, @UNRWA and especially @DCIPalestine, do you condemn systemic Palestinian Authority and Hamas incitement of #PalArab children to violence and self-destruction? https://twitter.com/ThisOngoingWar/status/1473645806724861953  

Opinion: Roadmap to a true alliance between Japan, Israel on 70th anniv. of ties...

Next year, Japan and Israel will reach a major milestone: 70 years since relations were established between these two unique democracies. In that time, both countries have made immense strides from uncertain times following...

Give them a medal

Medals are usually awarded to individuals or groups for outstanding achievements and for making a positive impact on society in general. More often than not these are well deserved. It seems to me however that there...

German Jews wary of new ‘traffic light’ government

Germany's "traffic light" government, led by new Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), was sworn in on Wednesday under the banner "dare to make progress." Jewish leaders, activists and analysts, however,...

Por que os palestinos estão ganhando a guerra midiática: uma entrevista com David Bedein...

David Bedein dirige a Agência de Notícias e Recursos de Israel com sede em Jerusalém, que fornece serviços de notícias para a mídia estrangeira, desde 1987. Ele também trabalhou em missões especiais para a...

O legado da política de ajuda ao Oriente Médio da Alemanha durante o mandato...

A ajuda externa alemã sob a liderança da Chanceler Merkel foi caracterizada pela transparência insuficiente. A Alemanha destina dinheiro de impostos a organizações que afirmam fornecer ajuda humanitária, promover a paz e promover a...

CAEF and Bedein Center Press Release: LET MY PEOPLE KNOW

LET MY PEOPLE KNOW While it is widely known that the nascent Palestine Authority (PA) pays Arabs who kill Jews, what has escaped public knowledge is that the PA has actually enacted a law to...

Let My People Know

Lancement d’un nouveau studio pour la production de documentaires d’investigation sur le terrain afin d’informer sur la culture de l’UNRWA qui endoctrine à la violence contre les Juifs L’UNRWA utilise les jeux, les chants, les peintures murales,...

CAEF and Bedein Center Press Release: LET MY PEOPLE KNOW

LET MY PEOPLE KNOW While it is widely known that the nascent Palestine Authority (PA) pays Arabs who kill Jews, what has escaped public knowledge is that the PA has actually enacted a law to...