unrwa - search results

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What is it that woke folk smoke?

If truth be known woke folk don’t need to smoke anything in order to vilify Israel and by extension, Jews. Their knee jerk reactions to each and every action Israel takes to safeguard the lives...

Escalation in the Gaza Strip – Operation Guardian of the Walls

Overview Operation Guardian of the Walls entered its tenth day. As of 07:00 in the morning on May 19, 2021, 3,750 rockets had been fired at Israel. About 550 of them fell inside the Gaza...

Жизненно важная перспектива возобновления американской помощи БАПОР

Правительство США объявило о возобновлении помощи БАПОР (Ближневосточное агентство ООН для помощи палестинским беженцам и организации работ), которое ООН создала в качестве “временной” организации после войны за независимость Израиля, чтобы помочь полумиллиону арабов, перемещенных...

Refugee camps in Gaza fired more than 130 rounds of missiles at Jewish communities...

In that context: UNRWA donor nations** may wish to consider… Cancel the new UNRWA war curriculum, based on Jihad, martyrdom and the “right of return by force of arms”, which have no place in...

Stop the tsunami

Our crew has accumulated hours of footage of UNRWA child soldiers -trained to fight and die on the front lines of Gaza. Now producing films to screen at German Bundestag, British Parliament, Swedish Parliament and US...

Congress Needs to Review UN Agency’s Terror Finance Problem

The Biden administration this month announced that it will resume U.S. funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)—a UN welfare agency ostensibly meant to assist Palestinian refugees that has faced multiple corruption...

On Palestinian Aid and Accountability

The decision to resume American aid to the Palestinians is a classic example of cart-before-the-horse thinking that has existed in one form or another for the past seven decades. Upwards of $235 million dollars...

Open letter to Anthony J. Blinken, Secretary – U.S. Department of State

April 22, 2021 The Honorable Anthony J. Blinken Secretary U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20520 Dear Mr. Secretary: We write to express grave concern regarding the resumption of U.S. foreign assistance to the United...

Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act

H. R. 2343 To require the Secretary of State to submit annual reports reviewing the educational material used by the Palestinian Authority or the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the...

No way to go, Joe

It was always a given that the Biden Administration would revert to Obama’s failed foreign policies. The only question has been how fast it would happen and how all-embracing of “progressive” political correctness it might...