anti-semitism palestinian authority - search results

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Blaming Bibi, Ignoring Abbas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come in for what the New York Times calls an “unusually forceful and public condemnation” by President Barack Obama for his pre-election statement on March 16 “that there...

Could Jewish Soldiers Celebrate Passover in Jerusalem in 1918?

In WWI, individual Jewish soldiers served in the ranks of the armies of Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand and were involved in the 1917 battles in locations such as Be'er Sheva and Rishon...

Europeans Fund Anti-Israel Libels

In May 2014, Zochrot—a radical Israeli nongovernmental organization (NGO)—was the focus of widespread mainstream media coverage featuring its iNakba mobile application (app). Articles on the app and Zochrot were published in The New York...

A Muslim’s ambush: how I was stitched up by Australian breakfast TV

On a recent trip to Australia I was booked by Ch7′s Weekend Sunrise to discuss Project Rozana, an Israeli-Palestinian initiative to train West Bank physicians (predominantly Palestinian Muslims)in Israel’s Hadassah hospital. As an ambassador for the Project,...

01/05 Links Pt2: Mohammad Zoabi Breaks His Silence; The Miseducation of Chris Gunness

From Ian: Mohammad Zoabi Breaks His Silence Mohammad Zoabi has posted his first message since being forced to leave Israel due to threats against his life for supporting Israel and the Jewish people. Hello everybody. First of all...

Europeans Fund Anti-Israel Libels

In May 2014, Zochrot—a radical Israeli nongovernmental organization (NGO)—was the focus of widespread mainstream media coverage featuring itsiNakba mobile application (app). Articles on the app and Zochrot were published in The New York Times,...

An Inversion of Morality From day one of its existence, the sole raison d'etre of the Hamas quasi-state in Gaza has been to kill Jews, the more the merrier. Since taking over the Gaza Strip in 2007, Hamas has...

Op-Ed: Shattered Dreams and Harsh Realities

It is uncanny to read the dreams about our country’s future expressed by 16 prominent Israelis in 1994, soon after the Oslo Accords - while knowing the harsh reality of how they were shattered one by...

The Medieval Anti-Semitic Views Of 150 Million Europeans: An Interview With Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld europeans-an-interview-with-dr-manfred-gerstenfeld/#Qqt2RypAFsbsTwMA.99 Recently, a new book, Demonizing Israel and the Jews by Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld , sent shock waves across Europe by revealing the frightening levels of anti-Semitism and vicious condemnation of Israel taking...

The UNRWA Dilemma The Palestinian people, according to a recent study by the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, have received per capita, adjusted for inflation, 25 times more aid than did Europeans to rebuild war-torn Western Europe under...