katif - search results

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Visiting and Writing from Shomron Jewish Communities Slated for Eviction

It doesn't boast to be the home of some 9,000 people, and half of them are bowing their heads to the disengagement authorities, taking their checks and moving on. The civilian outcry is much...

What Happened During the Katif Eviction: A first hand Account

I have decided to send this out to you so that you can read a first hand detailed account of what the world news is mostly blacking out. First, I want you to understand the...

IDF Announcement About Why The IDF Acted To Evict All Residents From the Hotel....

â€01/07/2005 12:10 www.idf.il IDF Spokesperson Announcement Temporary limitation of entry to the Gaza Strip following radicalization of the activities of factors opposing the disengagement plan. During the past 24 hours, factors opposing the disengagement have radicalized their activities...

You’ve won, Mr. Sharon. I’m Disengaged

I'm watching the news on television. The screen is filled with a major Israeli security operation. Seven hundred police are involved, with major military backup. Could it be, perhaps, an attack on Hezbollah, which just sent...

The Last Event at the Katif Hotel Before All Residents Were Evicted

The demonisation of the residents of Maoz Yam, the Gush Katif hotel, has continued in the Israeli press for the past two weeks. A side of the story not reported in the media was an...

Representing a State of Israel in Denial

Brigadier General Eival Giladi, the man appointed by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to administer the forcible evacuation of the Jewish communities in Samaria and Katif,provided a briefing for the a packed press audience on...

Eival Giladi, in charge of Disengagement, for the Prime Minister, Maintains a Personal Financial...

The Israeli official in charge of the forcible removal of Israeli Jews from Katif District in Gaza maintains a personal financial interest in the Palestinian development enterprises in Gaza that would replace the Jewish...

Official PA website blames Israel for those murdered by Documentation: Official PA website blames...

#1 PA now blames Israel PA website on 21 June 2005: "Israel's officially adopted policy of extra-judicial killings claimed the lives of six Palestinians, including two laborers, and a Chinese worker early in June." www.palestine-pmc.com/details.asp?cat=1&id=919 #2 PA...

Red Dawn Alert

The phrase "Red Dawn" may sound like a good name for a modern rock band, but in the town of Sderot located just outside of the northern Gaza Strip,it means something entirely different. When...

Funding the Farmers in Gush Katif

As Yosef and Ruthie Harush spend their last savings on finishing a large house in the Gush Katif settlement of Atzmona - a mezuzah was affixed to the door Wednesday by Rehovot's chief rabbi,...