bedein unrwa - search results

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Will Sweden, 4th largest UNRWA donor, ask UNRWA commissioner to address 15 Indiscretions?

The appearance of  Swiss diplomat  Phillpe Lazzarini as the new head of UNRWA provides a window of opportunity for UNRWA donor nations, which oversee UNRWA policy  to demand a reform of UNRWA , especially...

15 desafíos políticos que el nuevo comisionado de UNRWA tendrá que enfrentar

El nombramiento del diplomático suizo Phillipe Lazzarini como nuevo jefe de la Agencia de Obras Públicas y Socorro de las Naciones Unidas es una oportunidad para que las naciones donantes, que supervisan la política...

15 Policy Challenges for the New Head of UNRWA

The appointment of Swiss diplomat Phillpe Lazzarini as the new head of UNRWA is a window of opportunity for UNRWA donor nations, which oversee UNRWA policy, to demand a reform of UNRWA. This is...

Tune in to a webinar on Zoom with David Bedein, Director, Israel Resource News...

Skype: david.bedein2 Inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Webinar - David Bedein, Journalist: "Blood Libel: How PLO & UNRWA Accuse the Jews of spreading CoronaVirus.” Time: Apr 12, 2020 04:20 PM Jerusalem Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 695...

UNRWA: De l’usage abusif des dons

L'immonde détournement d'un mandat. 7 janvier 2020, David Bedein Vous trouverez ci-dessous le rapport du CNEPR (Center For Near East Policy Research) sur l'utilisation abusive par l'UNRWA des fonds des donateurs. Le mandat de l'UNRWA a été...

UNRWA’s Misuse of Donor Funds

UNRWA’s mandate has been renewed by the UN General Assembly for the past 70 years, and its current mandate is set to expire on June 30, 2020. Yet, as additional countries join the ranks of...

Replacing UNRWA in Jerusalem – a long way to go

The process of replacing UNRWA schools in Jerusalem with alternative schools will not be an easy one, despite the best of intentions to do just that from Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon and his deputy...

Qatar provides support to UNRWA

Qatar, represented by the Qatar Fund For Development (QFFD), and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) signed an agreement to provide support aimed at protecting...

Concerne: Renouvellement du mandat de l’UNRWA cette semaine: Les donateurs peuvent réclamer des “conditions...

David Bedein Israel Resource News Agency at the Center for Near East Policy Research Beit Agron, Jerusalem Modèle de lettre à envoyer à chaque ambassadeur auprès de l'ONU par les principaux pays donateurs de l'UNRWA (Liste ci-dessous: liste...

Model letter to send to ambassadors from UNRWA donor nations

Model letter to send to ambassadors from UNRWA donor nations (List to follow: precise list of ambassadors) June 2020 Dear Ambassador… We are asking you, as a representative in the General Assembly of one of the ten donor...