canada unrwa - search results

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Diplomatic breakthrough as Israel and Arab states meet at White House

Despite its White House venue, the significance of a “Gaza Aid” conference on Tuesday went largely under the radar, barely noticed in international media. Israel was in the midst of a now-resolved coalition crisis,...

Ask US Ambassador: With violence on the horizon, Reconsider support for US funded schools...

At this point in time, the US ​funds PA and UNRWA education​ with no restrictions. If you did ​not ​know about  PA/UNRWA school books and the orientation of their teachers, you would instinctively think that...

Failing grades…writes Michael Kuttner

The long summer vacation is over and pupils are bracing for a reluctant return to school. By the end of the final term they will receive a report card detailing their achievements including comments on...

Enhanced Due Diligence?

AN EXAMINATION OF CANADA’S PLEDGE TO STOP UNRWA TEACHERS FROM INCITING JIHADIST TERRORISM AND ANTISEMITISM Introduction This report examines what Canada, in its new role as a major donor to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency...

Casey Babb: Canadian tax dollars shouldn’t subsidize Palestinian terrorists

On July 21, a Palestinian terrorist entered the home of a Jewish family in the West Bank settlement of Halamish and killed Yosef Salomon, 70, his daughter Chaya, 46, and son Elad, 36. As...

How to Depoliticize Palestinian Refugee Status

In a bold reversal of longstanding Israeli policy, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently called for dismantling the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and rolling its functions into the United Nations High Commission on Refugees...

Dear President Trump: End UN refugee camps now

At a time when the new Trump administration is focusing on United Nations cuts and on Middle East negotiations, the United States could invest its energy in a real legacy that can be achieved:...

Analysis: How President Trump can resolve the Jewish and Palestinian refugee crisis

As Israelis commemorate Memorial Day, US President Donald Trump is working to try and resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which has been ongoing since Israel was established in 1948. At the end of May, Trump...

Towards Trump Israel visit : How President Trump could create a Middle East Legacy

At a time when the new Trump administration focuses on a new Middle East initiative,   President Trump's team could invest his  energies in a real legacy that can be achieved: a humanitarian solution for...

What happened to President Trump and “Settlements”?

What suddenly happened to President Donald Trump and "Settlements"? The Israel Civil Administration, also known as COGAT,  got to the new President. COGAT does not think that Jewish communities are important to Judea, Samaria and Gaza. COGAT...