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Proposed Palestinian State: Compendium Of Background Articles

Proposed Palestinian State: Compendium Of Background Articles Articles by: David Bedein Director Israel Resource News Agency Center for Near East Policy Research Beit Agron Suite 105-106 37 Hillel Street Jerusalem 94581 Israel Tel. 0547-222-661 Fax 02-623-6470   The "Kill and Run" Precedent of the New...

Asaf Romirowsky and Alexander Joffe: The United Nations’ Palestinian refugee industry

Of all the problems that dominate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, only one ensures that the conflict will never end: the growth in the number of Arab-Palestinian refugees. Western governments have enabled this industry. UNRWA is the...

Jews is News

Hardly a day passes when Jews and the Jewish State are not featured in the media…writes Michael Kuttner. Occasionally featuring positive, but more often than not highlighting negative and one-sided reports, one can guarantee that...

Arrests of UN-linked agency officials for Hamas ties calls US funding into question

Last week, officials of World Vision, an internationally known humanitarian organization, were indicted in Israel for secretly aiding military activities of Hamas, designated by the U.S. as a “Foreign Terror Organization.” This week, Israeli security...

Israeli centrist leader finds himself alone in battle against UN agency

Over the past few weeks, reports have reached Israel that the new Canadian government is planning to renew its support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. The UNRWA helps Palestinian refugees throughout the Middle East, with...

Palestinian Arab refugees – whose responsibility?

According to the first US Ambassador to Israel, James McDonald’s My Mission in Israel (published in 1951, pages 174-6): “The refugees were on hands as a result of a war, which they had...

Leaving a real Mideast legacy?

The political deadlock between Israel and the Palestinian Authority will not be resolved any time soon. Israel demands that the PA recognize it as a Jewish state and put an end to its war-inciting education,...

Liberals wrong to fund radical Palestinian agency

Bravo to the Trudeau Liberals for supporting Tony Clement and Michelle Rempel’s opposition motion to condemn the ‘Boycott, Divestment andSanctions’ (BDS) movement against Israel. BDS is popular on universitycampuses, but most people see it...

Watch: Opposition head grills Canadian PM on Hamas funding

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was put on the spot Tuesday by Interim Opposition head Rona Ambrose over reports that he plans to give UNRWA $15 million, despite its well-documented ties to the Hamas...

Palestinian Authority Textook Study Project

SPECIAL REPORT: Israel and the Jews in the Newest Palestinian Authority (PA) Schoolbooks taught in PA and UNRWA Schools: De-legitimization, Demonization, Advocacy of Violent Struggle rather than Peace, Jihad, Martyrdom and the 'Right of...