unrwa - search results

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Israeli intelligence had warned: Cement to Gaza can be lethal

http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/article/18091 Yet in November, 2011, the Israel Civil Administration, which reports to the Israel Ministry of Defense, issued orders to provide massive cement supplies for the construction of seventy five UNRWA school buildings in Gaza. At...


The Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the JTA, ran a feature last week which related to the issue of incitement which emanates from the media outlets of The Palestinian Authority The article ran like this in the...

Awash In Refugees, Whose Needs Come First?

We are awash in refugees, today, especially with the disaster taking place in Syria. We have limited resources -- human and financial. We must prioritize the needs of all these people; caught in a...

Abbas Condemned Terror in English, for Jews in New York, But not in Arabic,...

This past Tuesday morning, Palestinian Authority (PA) foreign minister Riad Malki announced on the Voice of Israel Radio that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas would meet with Jewish community representatives in New York during his...

Questions that Jews could ask Abbas in New York today

http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/questions-that-jews-could-ask-abbas-in-new-york-today/ This morning, Palestinian Authority foreign minister Riad Malki announced that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas will meet Jewish community representatives in New York. That meeting could provide an opportunity for Jews to ask probing questions of...

David Bedein goes to “Camp Jihad” on Fox News

http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/08/22/us-tax-dollars-help-fund-un-hate-camp-in-gaza-documentary/ Palestinian children as young as 5 are being taught to hate Jews, glorify martyrs and support jihad, and a U.S.-funded United Nations agency is helping to underwrite the effort, according to a controversial new...

US AID should place conditions on it’s donation to the Palestinians

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/08/us_aid_should_place_conditions_on_its_donation_to_the_palestinians.html The Jerusalem Post reported in its August 18 edition that the US and the Palestinian Authority signed a $148 million economic aid agreement. Our agency asked PA officials where the money was going. The answer: education,...

“CAMP JIHAD” in the News

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=11403 Israel HaYom August 16, 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCUJ_xD5ie4&feature=youtu.be Good Morning Israel, Heb channel 10 August 15, 2013 We are at 57:00 http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/14/camp-jihad-u-n-sponsored-camps-encourage-palestinian-kids-to-destroy-israel/ The Blaze Aug 14, 2013 http://9tv.co.il/video/2013/08/14/43272.html Russian language Israel Broadcasting Authority News August 14, 2013 We are at 17:38 http://www.timesofisrael.com/palestinian-kids-taught-to-hate-israel-in-un-funded-camps-clip-shows/ The Times of Israel August 14, 2013 http://www.mako.co.il/news-world/arab/Article-4bca69824597041004.htm?sCh=31750a2610f26110&pId=237936823 Israel Broadcasting Authority...

‘Camp Jihad’: U.N.-Sponsored Camps Encourage Palestinian Kids to Destroy Israel

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/14/camp-jihad-u-n-sponsored-camps-encourage-palestinian-kids-to-destroy-israel/ Summer at United Nations-funded camps in Gaza and the northern West Bank include playing with parachutes, jumping on trampolines, and racing down inflatable slides. In between those kid-friendly activities, counselors convey belligerent, anti-Semitic lessons to...

Palestinian kids taught to hate Israel in UN-funded camps, clip shows

New video footage appears to show Palestinian children in summer camps run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) being taught that “Jews are the wolf,” and that they will one day...