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The economics of UNRWA

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Holding UNRWA Donor Nations Responsible to Disarm UNRWA

January 6th. 2022 Have sent identical letters to diplomats who represent the following UNRWA donors; The Hon.  Masayuki Magoshi Head of the Japanese Representative Office to the PA The Hon. Mark Bailey Head of the Australian Representative Office to...

Fatah Day Unrwa Deheishe Refugee Camp 2022

Fatah Day Unrwa Deheishe Refugee Camp 2022 Hebrew subtitles https://vimeo.com/661938788 English subtitles:‬ https://vimeo.com/662065494 STILL PHOTOS TAKEN FROM THE ARMED UNRWA RIGHT OF RETURN MARCH ON. 1.1.22 PHOTOS COPYRIGHTED BY THE BEDEIN CENTER FOR NEAR EAST POLICY RESEARCH ANY PHOTO MAY BE...

Why is Sweden’s policy to UNRWA important?

Sweden is the 4th largest donor to UNRWA, at $60 million https://www.unrwa.org/how-you-can-help/government-partners/funding-trends Sweden,  together with Jordan, co-chaired the UNRWA donors conference on November 15, 2021. Sweden has signed new agreements to oversee their funds to UNRWA,  referred to...

In abstaining on UNRWA at the UN, the US is pushing peace away

The US did not veto an unjustly overlooked, anti-Israel resolution at the UN on Nov. 9. Rather, the US abstained. The resolution demanded “compensation” for descendants of Palestinian refugees who lost property, at least in...

The UNRWA fake concern for refugees

Translated from Portugese, The UNRWA fake concern for refugees... According to UNRWA, there are now over 5 million Palestinian refugees, the only people whose refugee status is passed on to the next generation with its...

Bortom mötet i Brussels finns möjlighet att skapa ett bättre liv för UNRWAs flyktingar.

Ur perspektivet i en organisation som är professionell inom socialt arbete, är det sociala arbetet mest fokus för att hjälpa människor att komma vidare med sina liv. Undantaget från regeln är socialtjänsten i organisationen UNRWA....

Nenhuma política da União Europeia para pressionar a UNRWA a parar o incitamento em...

Após relatos da imprensa de que a União Europeia agora condiciona mais financiamento da UNRWA à erradicação da incitação no currículo da UNRWA, o Centro Bedein para Pesquisa de Políticas do Oriente Próximo pediu...

Alegação oficial da Autoridade Palestina: Judeus mataram Cristo na Autoridade Palestina Livros didáticos de...

“Da Bíblia Sagrada Sentença de Jesus Pilatos mandou flagelar Jesus para que os judeus se contentassem com isso. Mas eles gritaram: 'Crucifica-o, crucifica-o'. Ele então entregou Jesus a eles. Eles colocaram em sua cabeça uma coroa de espinhos, fizeram-no...

Judeus, Israel e a paz nos materiais usados nas escolas da UNRWA na Cisjordânia...

A Autoridade Palestina descreve-se como "o Estado da Palestina" e considera-se um Estado pleno sob ocupação estrangeira, dos quais as fronteiras não se restringem às linhas de 1967. O nome "O Estado da Palestina",...