"right of return" armed - search results

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Danger of Foreign Troop Intervention in Jerusalem

The latest panacea for Middle East peace, now gaining momentum, is the dispatching of foreign troops whose dual task would be to create a Palestinian Arab state and mitigate Arab terror. Foreign troops would...

Where Does the Money Go? A Study of the Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian Authority: Where Does the Money Go? The following is an examination of how the PA, led by Yasser Arafat, has systemically and systematically used corruption and crime, and diverted funds donated for the...

Years of Hope

Years of hope, Z.B. Begin, Ha'Aretz, September 6, 2002 A reminder September 9, 1993 Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel Mr. Prime Minister, The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the...

Critique of Hansen Op-ed

Mr. Peter Hansen, the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief Works Agency, in a NYT op-ed on July 30, 2002, "Easing Palestine's Humanitarian Crisis", and in an IHT op-ed on July 31, 2002, correctly...

UNRWA attacks Weeky Standard reporter David Tell… and David Tell responds

In recent weeks the Weekly Standard has published a number of articles concerning the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). These have contained a large number of serious inaccuracies and...

Campers Come Home to Roost: “Seeds For Peace” revisited

Once again the camp, Seeds of Peace hits the news and who can argue with "peace?" Unfortunately the concept, more particularly the sponsoring organization, Seeds of Peace, has developed a glaring glitch. A Seeds...

Has UNRWA allowed their Refugee Camps to Become the Host of Terror Activity?

Israel Minister of Defence and newly-elected Labor Party leader Binyamin Ben Eliezer has been declaring that the Arab refugee camps represent a haven for killers, and a threat to the security of all Israeli...

New Psychological Profile of Yassir Arafat

Yasser Arafat has many faces. He is prone to sudden outbursts of anger, he weeps uncontrollably, sometimes makes violent threats, sometimes gets carried away giving compliments, sometimes goes deep into his shell. When he...

The Rabbi Who Favors a Binational State

Viewers of CNN news probably are familiar with Rabbi Arik Ascherman, the tall, thin bearded man who places himself before Israeli bulldozers on their way to demolish Palestinian homes or olive groves. There he...

Why Did Israel Close the Orient House: The Inside Story

News reports concerning the Israeli takeover of the PLO Orient House in Jerusalem focused on the Orient House as little more than a symbol of PLO presence in Jerusalem, and as a place where...