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Critique : UNRWA & NSC Response to Comprehensive Study of PA/UNRWA textbooks

ith the launch of the new school year in the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA education system, it pains me to report that US funds flow to these schools, without constraints to UNRWA/ PA schools...

Should funding to UNRWA be made conditional on ending incitement?

A new comprehensive study by the Center for Near East Policy Research & the Israel Resource News Agency, commissioned by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, highlights new Palestinian Authority school books used in UNRWA schools,...

Well Intentioned UNRWA Policy Changes Suggested by Former US Ambassador to the UN Cannot...

Since a primary subject that our office covers is UNRWA, allow me to say that the following article is well intentioned yet misleading. ​No changes can be made in UNRWA without the approval of the...

Canada & UNRWA: Enhanced Due Diligence? A new report by UN Watch

OTTAWA, April 9, 2017 – Teachers and other employees of the U.N.’s Palestinian relief agency, according to a new UN Watch report presented today at the Canadian Parliament, are holding rallies to support the...

UNRWA Inadvertently acknowledges there’s a Hamas leader on its payroll

Dr. Suhail al-Hindi is a man of many titles. He’s been the chairman of the Association of Palestinian Workers of UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...

A report on UNRWA teachers’ incitement to jihadist terrorism and antisemitism

A REPORT ON UNRWA TEACHERS’ INCITEMENT TO JIHADIST TERRORISM AND ANTISEMITISM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report exposes more than 40 Facebook pages operated by school teachers, principals, and other employees of the United Nations Relief and Works...

Storbritannien uppmanas att ompröva stödet till palestinska skolor som lär ut hat

Scener av unga palestinier som firar förra söndagens terrorattack i Jerusalem har lett till en uppmaning att Storbritannien skall ompröva sin finansiering av Västbanken och Gazas skolor som lär ut hat mot judar och...

UK urged to rethink foreign aid spending on Palestinian schools that teach hate

Following the truck-ramming in which four Israelis were killed and 13 injured, footage emerged of Palestinian youths handing out sweets and attending celebratory rallies. Fireworks were set off in Jabel Mukaber, the terrorist’s home...

Experts: Over 200 US-approved textbooks teach Palestinians to kill Jews

The violent curriculum can be found in 240 books – ranging from civics to mathematics – in over 400 UNRWA schools in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, experts say. Over 200 US-government- approved...

Shin Bet accuses World Vision leadership in Gaza of funding terrorism

Israel is accusing a family of Palestinians with a leading role in humanitarian relief in Gaza, working both with charities and UN agencies of funding terrorism. World Vision Israel security agency Shin Bet arrested Mohamad Halabi,...